Continental Rails II

Game # 34 - Turn # 7

Headline News 1853 to 1854

World & National New

  1. 1853: Franklin Pearce defeats Winfield Scott in Presidential race.
  2. 1854: Wells, Fargo and Company founded in Sacramento.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: J. Edgar Thompson bought GM&O for $15644, Jim Fisk bought MN for $600, Cyrus Holliday bought MS for $8865, William Palmer bought O&M for $14173.
  • PCs Merged: A&C merges into COG, WBSH merges into A&GW, BRL merges into G&C, GTW merges into ERIE.
  • PCs Incorporated: N&C, SM, A&T.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought Grand Station, GT bought steel rails, B&H bought steel rails, NYC bought steel rails, ERIE bought steel rails, PENN bought steel rails, READ bought steel rails, B&O bought steel rails, C&O bought steel rails, R&D bought steel rails, N&W bought steel rails, W&W bought steel rails, C&H bought steel rails, SCL bought steel rails, COG bought steel rails, MRLE bought steel rails, G&C bought steel rails, M&C bought steel rails, A&WP bought steel rails, A&GW bought steel rails, MC bought steel rails.
  • RoWs built: NY1 by GT, OH5 by NYC, PA8 by ERIE, PA1 by PENN, MD1 by READ, IN1 by B&O, WV4 by C&O, VA2 by R&D, KY1 by N&W, AL3 by C&H, SC3 by S&A, FL6 by SCL, AL6 by S&G, OH2 by MRLE, IN4 by M&C.
  • ERIE doubled PA11, PENN doubled NYNH, READ doubled PA2, B&O doubled OH4, C&H doubled GA1, G&C doubled G&C.
  • New RoWs acquired: PENN got PA3, ERIE got PA10, W&W got NC2, R&D got SC5, COG got GA3, NYC got OH6, MRLE got MI2, B&O got IN2, N&W got IN5, M&C got IN9, A&GW got IN10, C&O got KY2, G&C got TN2, C&H got TN12, SCL got AL5, S&G got AL8, MC got C5, READ got PA4.
  • Stock splits: R&D splits 4 for 1.
  • New railroad Presidents: Jim Fisk of B&H, William Palmer of C&O, J. Edgar Thompson of A&T, Thomas Scott of N&C, Milton Littlefield of SM.
  • New Private Companies Available: FW&C, C&C, C&EI, L&N, IC, C&NW, CRIP, CB&Q.
  • Leland Stanford earns the Heartland Award for linking the B&O from the Atlantic to Chicago.
  • Milton Littlefield dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $5555. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Cyrus Holliday, Edward Harriman, William Palmer, Leland Stanford, John Forbes, Sleeping Dog, Thomas Scott, Jim Fisk
  • Invention of coal burning engine for locomotives improves operations, reduces operating costs.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Good to Boom.
  • Best locomotive available: American 4-4-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines.

Tycoon Announcements:

5Leland Stanford ride the b&o --- the only train direct from the east coast to chicago!
6Milton Littlefield it's good to see more players donating to the widows and orphans.
10Hannibal Kimball those shoes are coming fast but i'm dodging them as well as i can.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronMilton Littlefield (6)Jim Fisk (1)Edward Harriman (2)J. Edgar Thompson (3)John Forbes (8)
Rail MogulMilton Littlefield (6)William Palmer (12)Cyrus Holliday (15)Jim Fisk (1)J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail BuilderLeland Stanford (5)Edward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)William Palmer (12)Jim Fisk (1)
Rail MagnateEdward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)Leland Stanford (5)William Palmer (12)Jim Fisk (1)
Rail ProdigalMilton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)Cyrus Holliday (15)Sleeping Dog (9)Edward Harriman (2)
Rail BaronMilton Littlefield (6)Edward Harriman (2)William Palmer (12)Leland Stanford (5)Jim Fisk (1)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
6Milton Littlefield SMM&C........
3J. Edgar Thompson N&WA&TGM&O....
8John Forbes ....READNO&J....
1Jim Fisk W&WB&H....MN
12William Palmer C&HC&OO&M....
7Thomas Scott N&CR&D........
2Edward Harriman NYCA&GW........
15Cyrus Holliday G&CS&GMS....
13Railroad Bill Sr ................
10Hannibal Kimball MRLEERIE....TP&W
9Sleeping Dog SCLMC........
5Leland Stanford B&O............
14Dan Drew ............W&M
4J. Pierpont Morgan COG............
11Rotshild ........B&M....

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
GTGrand Trunk 7801017555494897173761114020660575
B&HBoston & Hartford 11019478109089822499977212500
NYCNew York Central 118920634010936098264278154515114500324
ERIEErie Lackawanna 8541190026545196187975134520630221
PENNPennsylvania 1393294243153009993232992188741416080
READReading 2446185534020997183449518151000
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 78410027652143991923141067606600
C&OChesapeake & Ohio 747868684777699153221110886510193
R&DRichmond & Danville 43051762284689994968609335900
N&WNorfolk & Western 10711386627210499213185100796890280
W&WWilmington & Weldon 120146928081992924218848417750
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 702113646647789416302860101940384
S&ASavannah & Augusta 56179956463749912902191883600126
SCLSea Coast Line 8761448707533199177758606101256650
S&GSavannah & Gulf 53060323349879911928984828345900
COGCentral of Georgia 2233226520327915381034373531520
MRLEMad River & Lake Erie 273332271827599617894132251174270
G&CGreenville & Columbia 27932421188059668964425834400
M&CMarietta & Cincinnati 318377832115898768375142744740250
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 15219661114039639548249694400
A&GWAtlantic & Great Western 2303615919887996579938326726100
MCMichigan Central 1521911811088963648418363545550
A&TAlabama & Tennessee 14317234113748835370216802000
N&CNashville & Chattanooga 15117396113078937106227442000
SMSouthern Mississippi 4490235955881345382477000

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT  (Double) ; C2 ; C3 ; NY1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AN]
  • Boston & Hartford (B&H)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A  (Double) ; NY3 ; LS ; C4 ; OH3 ; OH5
    Unbuilt OH6
    [Regions: ALN]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    ERIE ; NY2 ; PA11 (Double) ; GTW ; PA8
    Unbuilt PA10
    [Regions: AL]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; C&A  (Double) ; CNJ  (Double) ; NYNH (Double) ; PA5 ; PA6 ; P&FW ; P&LE ; WV2 ; PA1
    Unbuilt PA3
    [Regions: AOL]
  • Reading (READ)
    READ ; PA2  (Double) ; MD1
    Unbuilt PA4
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; OH1 ; OH4  (Double) ; IN1
    Unbuilt IN2
    [Regions: AC]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&O  (Double) ; VC ; MD2 ; PA7 ; WV4
    Unbuilt KY2
    [Regions: AO]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&D ; VA7 ; VA2
    Unbuilt SC5
    [Regions: A]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; N&S ; RF&P (Double) ; VA3 ; VA4 ; VA5 ; KY1
    Unbuilt IN5
    [Regions: AO]
  • Wilmington & Weldon (W&W)
    Unbuilt NC2
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H  (Double) ; SC4 ; GA1  (Double) ; GA8 ; AL3
    Unbuilt TN12
    [Regions: AD]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&A ; GA2 ; SC1 ; SC3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER ; GA4  (Double) ; FL4 ; FL5 ; FL6
    Unbuilt AL5
    [Regions: AG]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    S&G ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL6
    Unbuilt AL8
    [Regions: A]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COG ; A&C
    Unbuilt GA3
    [Regions: D]
  • Mad River & Lake Erie (MRLE)
    MRLE ; OH2
    Unbuilt MI2
    [Regions: L]
  • Greenville & Columbia (G&C)
    G&C  (Double) ; BRL
    Unbuilt TN2
    [Regions: D]
  • Marietta & Cincinnati (M&C)
    M&C ; IN4
    Unbuilt IN9
    [Regions: O]
  • Atlanta & West Point (A&WP)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Atlantic & Great Western (A&GW)
    A&GW ; WBSH
    Unbuilt IN10
    [Regions: O]
  • Michigan Central (MC)
    Unbuilt C5
    [Regions: L]
  • Alabama & Tennessee (A&T)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ]
  • Southern Mississippi (SM)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: M]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RRStart priceTrade priceEnd priceNet change# Shares traded# Shares issued# Shares in treasuryPresidentChairmanDirectors
GT303336+6 1060 3 795 105 1
B&H293542+13 126 518 32117 11
NYC424548+6 1269 5 892 60221
ERIE232936+13 1170 4 142 12810106
PENN566472+16 1530 6 923 47 613
READ404958+18 292 1 198 22886
B&O364452+16 961 3 827 101556 7
C&O364248+12 1033 3 631 10412123
R&D9614850+104 179 8 080 520773 8 12
N&W515968+17 1018 5 286 73332 7 8
W&W152229+14 248 600 011
C&H475156+9 593 3 435 8112128 15
S&A293439+10 754 2 680 125 15
SCL515355+4 1021 4 365 22991 14
S&G283542+14 581 2 591 5915153 6
COG253954+29 129 1 047 6844
MRLE254259+34 206 1 298 671010
G&C151923+8 178 1 303 921515
M&C285481+53 271 1 528 6266
A&WP152331+16 318 760 0 12
A&GW152331+16 242 1 093 5722
MC152230+15 325 760 099
A&T0016+16 0 644 7133
N&C0016+16 0 680 7577
SM0016+16 0 198 2266

Private Companies Available for Purchase

FW&CFt. Wayne & Chicago 570
C&CCincinnati & Chicago 1010
C&EIChicago & Eastern Illinois 920
L&NLouisville & Nashville 930
ICIllinois Central 925
C&NWChicago & Northwestern 600
CRIPChicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 750
CB&QChicago, Burlington & Quincy 950

Map in PDF format