Continental Rails II

Game # 34 - Turn # 4

Headline News 1847 to 1848

World & National New

  1. 1847: U.S. and Britain reach peaceful agreement on Oregon border.
  2. 1848: Mexican war ends; California ceded to U.S.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Rotshild bought B&M for $1050, J. Pierpont Morgan bought COG for $1500, Edward Harriman bought LS for $3276, Hannibal Kimball bought MRLE for $2165, J. Edgar Thompson bought P&FW for $2751, Milton Littlefield bought M&C for $4501, J. Edgar Thompson bought VC for $1477.
  • PCs Merged: CNJ merges into PENN, NYNH merges into PENN, RF&P merges into N&W.
  • PCs Incorporated: B&H, READ.
  • New Engines Acquired: GT bought Norris 4-2-0, NYC bought Norris 4-2-0, ERIE bought Norris 4-2-0, PENN bought Norris 4-2-0, C&O bought Norris 4-2-0, R&D bought Norris 4-2-0, N&W bought Norris 4-2-0, C&H bought Norris 4-2-0, SCL bought Norris 4-2-0, S&G bought Norris 4-2-0.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought switch yards, NYC bought switch yards, ERIE bought switch yards, N&W bought switch yards, C&H bought switch yards, SCL bought Grand Station, SCL bought switch yards, S&G bought switch yards.
  • RoWs built: NY3 by NYC, PA5 by PENN, WV1 by B&O, VA3 by N&W, SC4 by C&H, GA4 by SCL.
  • NYC doubled HRL, PENN doubled C&A.
  • New RoWs acquired: ERIE got NY2, PENN got PA6, C&O got MD2, N&W got VA4, C&H got GA1, S&G got GA6, SCL got FL4, B&O got OH1, GT got C2, NYC got C4, S&A got GA2.
  • New railroad Presidents: Rotshild of B&H, John Forbes of READ, Thomas Scott of R&D.
  • New Private Companies Available: P&LE, GTW, A&WP, BRL, A&GW, MC.
  • Milton Littlefield dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1001.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Mild Depression to Recession.
  • Best locomotive available: Norris 4-2-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards.

Tycoon Announcements:

5Leland Stanford no loan recall! happy days are here again. at least for this turn?
6Milton Littlefield penn news release--president proposes building grand station to the board
10Hannibal Kimball all aboard the erie for the ride of a lifetime!

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronEdward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)Jim Fisk (1)John Forbes (8)J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail MogulEdward Harriman (2)William Palmer (12)Milton Littlefield (6)Sleeping Dog (9)J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail BuilderEdward Harriman (2)Jim Fisk (1)J. Edgar Thompson (3)J. Pierpont Morgan (4)Leland Stanford (5)
Rail MagnateEdward Harriman (2)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Leland Stanford (5)Milton Littlefield (6)Sleeping Dog (9)
Rail ProdigalMilton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)Jim Fisk (1)Edward Harriman (2)J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail BaronEdward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)William Palmer (12)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Jim Fisk (1)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
2Edward Harriman NYC....LS....
6Milton Littlefield PENN....M&C....
1Jim Fisk ....GT........
3J. Edgar Thompson N&W....P&FWVC
8John Forbes ....READ........
12William Palmer C&HC&O........
7Thomas Scott ....R&D........
9Sleeping Dog SCL............
10Hannibal Kimball ....ERIEMRLE....
13Railroad Bill Sr ................
14Dan Drew ............W&M
5Leland Stanford B&O............
15Cyrus Holliday S&AS&G........
11Rotshild ....B&HB&M....
4J. Pierpont Morgan ........COG....

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
GTGrand Trunk 731218670689911601109897412800
B&HBoston & Hartford 11015615104629019439165613000
NYCNew York Central 64087209531979610845170791590484
ERIEErie Lackawanna 2872545914766993876335630212030
PENNPennsylvania 7051210287382799129409938247200
READReading 10417215123958519574166762000
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 36533025214669564904272702100
C&OChesapeake & Ohio 94102496252991336512419311520
R&DRichmond & Danville 76114187878911082986864100
N&WNorfolk & Western 51860685351979983368583985700
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 2122686815583994619515284648550
S&ASavannah & Augusta 1381781811760941878918095318600
SCLSea Coast Line 46370278386539980425378149900
S&GSavannah & Gulf 15717106118038820408196181100

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    Unbuilt C2
    [Regions: A]
  • Boston & Hartford (B&H)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A ; NY3
    Unbuilt C4
    [Regions: AL]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    Unbuilt NY2
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; LV ; C&A  (Double) ; CNJ ; NYNH ; PA5
    Unbuilt PA6
    [Regions: A]
  • Reading (READ)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1
    Unbuilt OH1
    [Regions: A]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    Unbuilt MD2
    [Regions: A]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; N&S ; RF&P ; VA3
    Unbuilt VA4
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H ; SC4
    Unbuilt GA1
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    Unbuilt GA2
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER ; GA4
    Unbuilt FL4
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    Unbuilt GA6
    [Regions: A]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RRStart priceTrade priceEnd priceNet change# Shares traded# Shares issued# Shares in treasuryPresidentChairmanDirectors
GT101317+7 146 365 011
B&H0012+12 0 495 551111
NYC333435+2 590 3 133 74221
ERIE101214+4 531 1 432 310106
PENN313234+3 387 3 341 18966
READ0012+12 0 468 5288
B&O242731+7 266 1 731 102557
C&O101215+5 172 470 01212
R&D101317+7 204 351 2977
N&W313335+4 301 2 374 220337 8
C&H293133+4 129 1 025 4112128 15
S&A101112+2 248 621 691515
SCL252730+5 524 2 161 1619914
S&G101113+3 251 707 7815156

Private Companies Available for Purchase

W&WWilmington & Weldon 600
P&LEPittsburgh & Lake Erie 655
G&CGreenville & Columbia 470
GTWGrand Trunk Western 535
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 760
BRLBlue Ridge Line 925
A&GWAtlantic & Great Western 580
MCMichigan Central 760

Map in PDF format