Continental Rails II

Game # 32 - Turn # 4

Headline News 1847 to 1848

World & National New

  1. 1847: U.S. and Britain reach peaceful agreement on Oregon border.
  2. 1848: Mexican war ends; California ceded to U.S.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Dan Drew bought B&M for $900, William Palmer bought RF&P for $2361, Jay Gould bought W&W for $622, Susan Morningstar bought LS for $916, Thomas Scott bought MRLE for $803, Thomas Durant bought G&C for $631, Hannibal Kimball bought M&C for $2161.
  • PCs Merged: S&G merges into S&A, CNJ merges into C&A, B&A merges into NYC, N&S merges into N&W.
  • PCs Incorporated: NYNH, COG.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought switch yards, NYC bought Grand Station, NYC bought switch yards, ERIE bought switch yards, C&A bought switch yards, READ bought switch yards, C&O bought switch yards, N&W bought switch yards, W&M bought switch yards, SCL bought switch yards.
  • RoWs built: PA9 by PENN, WV1 by B&O, VA4 by N&W, SC4 by C&H.
  • SCL doubled SCL.
  • New RoWs acquired: ERIE got NY2, NYC got NY3, C&A got PA1, READ got PA5, B&O got PA7, PENN got PA10, C&O got MD1, N&W got VA5, W&M got SC2, C&H got GA1, SCL got GA4, S&A got GA6.
  • New railroad Presidents: John Forbes of GT, J. Pierpont Morgan of NYNH, Jim Fisk of COG.
  • New Private Companies Available: VC, A&WP, BRL, A&GW, TP&W.
  • Edward Harriman dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1234. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Hannibal Kimball, William Palmer
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Depression to Mild Depression.
  • Best locomotive available: Lion 0-4-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards.

Tycoon Announcements:

1Jim Fisk at least 8 balls are nice and shiny to look at.
2Edward Harriman co-operation means "do as i say and do it damn quick."
3Susan Morningstar rcmp do-right notified nell is missing, last seen in boston. apb issued.
5Snidely Whiplash much good work (and success) is lost for want of a little more rope.
6Milton Littlefield pinkertons hire dudley do-right to bring snidely whiplash to justice.
7Thomas Scott erie turns a profit by selling large volumes of rope found near nyc track.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronWilliam Palmer (12)Hannibal Kimball (10)Thomas Scott (7)Thomas Durant (11)J. Pierpont Morgan (4)
Rail MogulWilliam Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)Susan Morningstar (3)
Rail BuilderJim Fisk (1)Edward Harriman (2)Susan Morningstar (3)J. Pierpont Morgan (4)Snidely Whiplash (5)
Rail MagnateMilton Littlefield (6)William Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)Susan Morningstar (3)Thomas Scott (7)
Rail ProdigalEdward Harriman (2)Hannibal Kimball (10)William Palmer (12)Jim Fisk (1)Susan Morningstar (3)
Rail BaronWilliam Palmer (12)Hannibal Kimball (10)Edward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
12William Palmer N&WC&HRF&P....
10Hannibal Kimball PENN....M&C....
7Thomas Scott S&AERIEMRLE....
9Jay Gould ....READ....W&W
4J. Pierpont Morgan ....NYNH........
6Milton Littlefield B&O....P&LE....
14Dan Drew SCL....B&M....
2Edward Harriman C&OC&A........
13William Ogden ....W&M........
11Thomas Durant ........G&C....
3Susan Morningstar NYC....LS....
5Snidely Whiplash ............B&H
8John Forbes GT............
15Carl Olson ................
1Jim Fisk COG............

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
GTGrand Trunk 731159076499112431102774200
NYCNew York Central 49155639311589885064495405500
NYNHNew York & New Haven 1101468696939116847155533000
ERIEErie Lackawanna 2872372813762994444438710136090
C&ACamden & Amboy 22636121260078537788346672800
PENNPennsylvania 38848335294859970236430074400
READReading 104166039630991883416807646750
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 36528041171059963587293971300
C&OChesapeake & Ohio 94973269108613394122760400
N&WNorfolk & Western 53151907301069981260579093400
W&MWilmington & Manchester 1331088365309718235164771600
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 2122574215702994220712503508550
S&ASavannah & Augusta 2953303620152994883442926246250
SCLSea Coast Line 3244946228688995857426068836950
COGCentral of Georgia 861107980888412986119891000

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC ; HRL ; B&A
    Unbuilt NY3
    [Regions: A]
  • New York & New Haven (NYNH)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    Unbuilt NY2
    [Regions: A]
  • Camden & Amboy (C&A)
    C&A ; CNJ
    Unbuilt PA1
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN ; LV ; PA9
    Unbuilt PA10
    [Regions: A]
  • Reading (READ)
    Unbuilt PA5
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O ; WV1
    Unbuilt PA7
    [Regions: A]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    Unbuilt MD1
    [Regions: A]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W ; R&D ; N&S ; VA4
    Unbuilt VA5
    [Regions: A]
  • Wilmington & Manchester (W&M)
    Unbuilt SC2
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H ; SC4
    Unbuilt GA1
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&A ; S&G
    Unbuilt GA6
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER
    Unbuilt GA4
    [Regions: A]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]

Private Companies Available for Purchase

VCVirginia Central 1465
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 760
BRLBlue Ridge Line 925
A&GWAtlantic & Great Western 580
TP&WToledo, Peoria & Warsaw 700

Map in PDF format