Continental Rails II

Game # 32 - Turn # 14

Headline News 1867 to 1868

World & National New

  1. 1867: The first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable laid between U.S. and Europe.
  2. 1868: U.S. spends millions to purchase Alaska wasteland from Russia!

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Hannibal Kimball bought ATSF for $18888, John Forbes bought KCN for $15857, John Forbes bought SV for $33875.
  • PCs Merged: KCS merges into MKT.
  • New Engines Acquired: IC bought 2000-04-04, CB&Q bought Mogul 2-6-0, CASL bought Mogul 2-6-0, FEC bought Mogul 2-6-0.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought block signal system, C&C bought automatic couplers, CB&Q bought Grand Station, CB&Q bought automatic couplers, CP bought Grand Station, GW bought Grand Station.
  • RoWs built: TN11 by ERIE, KY4 by PENN, TN13 by B&O, PA3 by C&O, KY11 by N&W, MD2 by W&M, KY6 by SCL, TN2 by GM&O, AL5 by N&C, MI4 by MN, MN2 by C&NW, IA7 by CRIP, IA4 by CB&Q, MO1 by CASL, GA5 by FEC, ND1 by CNS, AR4 by M&LR, TX5 by V&T, LA2 by L&A, NV2 by CP, CA7 by WP, NE1 by UP, IL11 by SL&A, OK6 by MKT, CA4 by SP.
  • PENN doubled PA10, READ doubled FW&C, C&O doubled IL6, N&W doubled N&S, GM&O doubled MS2, N&C doubled N&C, CB&Q doubled CB&Q, CNS doubled M&SP, MP doubled MP, L&A doubled L&A, SLSW doubled SLSW, GW doubled GW, SP doubled SP.
  • New RoWs acquired: W&M got NC2, FEC got FL1, N&C got KY9, C&O got KY13, PENN got TN3, CRIP got IA5, CB&Q got MO7, SLSW got AR2, GW got LA1, CNS got ND2, NP got ND3, M&LR got OK1, MKT got OK5, L&A got TX1, V&T got TX4, UP got CO7, CP got UT7, WP got NV1, SP got CA3, N&W got VA6, GM&O got TN1, MP got MO8.
  • Loan Recalls: Jim Fisk, J. Pierpont Morgan, Snidely Whiplash, John Forbes, William Ogden.
  • Stock splits: PENN splits 3 for 1, READ splits 3 for 1, L&A splits 4 for 1, CP splits 4 for 1, WP splits 4 for 1, UP splits 5 for 1, SP splits 2 for 1.
  • Cornered stocks: NYNH.
  • New railroad Presidents: John Forbes of SCL, Edward Harriman of CASL.
  • New Private Companies Available: KC&D, T&P.
  • Thomas Scott dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $25001. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: William Palmer, Edward Harriman, Hannibal Kimball, J. Pierpont Morgan, John Forbes, Milton Littlefield, Susan Morningstar, Thomas Durant
  • Pullman's sleeping car design favored by for long distance travel, improves revenues.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Panic to Depression.
  • Best locomotive available: Atlantic 4-4-2
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines, block signal system, automatic couplers, Pullman sleepers.

Tycoon Announcements:

1Jim Fisk st. louis arch in honor of the n&c to be 623' tall. whiplash's is only 12" tall.
2Edward Harriman tycooons please --- it's an elixir of long "life" --- no more complaints
3Susan Morningstar ny daily news: horse rescues nell while snidely gloats at golden arches
5Snidely Whiplash am working hard to be an arch villian. have reputation to uphold.
6Milton Littlefield ok, let's lay some track!
7Thomas Scott ny daily news reports that susan morningstar has skeletons in the closet

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronThomas Scott (7)William Palmer (12)Hannibal Kimball (10)Jay Gould (9)J. Pierpont Morgan (4)
Rail MogulWilliam Palmer (12)J. Pierpont Morgan (4)John Forbes (8)Hannibal Kimball (10)Dan Drew (14)
Rail BuilderThomas Scott (7)Milton Littlefield (6)Hannibal Kimball (10)William Palmer (12)Jim Fisk (1)
Rail MagnateThomas Scott (7)Hannibal Kimball (10)Thomas Durant (11)William Palmer (12)Milton Littlefield (6)
Rail ProdigalWilliam Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)Hannibal Kimball (10)Thomas Scott (7)John Forbes (8)
Rail BaronWilliam Palmer (12)Thomas Scott (7)Hannibal Kimball (10)Milton Littlefield (6)Edward Harriman (2)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
9Jay Gould NPREAD........
10Hannibal Kimball PENNSPATSF....
12William Palmer N&WCNS........
11Thomas Durant L&AGM&O........
7Thomas Scott MKTCB&QKP....
2Edward Harriman C&OCASL....SLSF
3Susan Morningstar GWWP........
6Milton Littlefield UPCRIP........
4J. Pierpont Morgan SLSWCP........
14Dan Drew GNC&NW........
1Jim Fisk M&LRN&C........
13William Ogden GTW&M........
8John Forbes V&TSCLSVKCN
5Snidely Whiplash MPNYC........
15Carl Olson ................

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
B&MBoston & Maine 513460942535199106211164254010
GTGrand Trunk 7807151437187991858411357110300
NYCNew York Central 2254381705209937965770973709953308
NYNHNew York & New Haven 1101445279499926208117932300
ERIEErie Lackawanna 32354915562801869483213857320600022
PENNPennsylvania 1639247040128460994453721568114504
READReading 121716746787082993362822257211506
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 18362384801335499545644612477369027
C&OChesapeake & Ohio 2240294819153307996851584329081316054
N&WNorfolk & Western 1963258057134189994478382937575400
W&MWilmington & Manchester 107699737518649923326516593812400
SCLSea Coast Line 183421758811967196457320147232300474
GM&OGulf, Mobile & Ohio 19342344371219079947446012802824131856
N&CNashville & Chattanooga 17962396141245999945816879720461300622
MNMichigan Northern 693627193700495168729111112-1000
C&CCincinnati & Chicago 20219399120279249204134492200
L&NLouisville & Nashville 1861793298639955916234951300
ICIllinois Central 18518165108999448535259860000
C&NWChicago & Northwestern 7206282832671991465824914412058
CRIPChicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 35832694192909576318537020113500
CB&QChicago, Burlington & Quincy 3603923220401997823350332202230255
CASLChicago, Alton & St. Louis 3543154517034977547345994110676
FECFlorida East Coast 4092886615877999888759250-2400
CNSChicago North Shore 9479787350893992361741399042400
MPMissouri Pacific 28338774244289187573454231000
M&LRMemphis & Little Rock 2962269211800995648239626011405615
V&TVicksburg & Texas 4002808215445997853455799-11300
L&ALouisiana & Arkansas 2783140517273995337938271390526
CPCentral Pacific 3282638913722997195048675040122
WPWestern Pacific 23234775180839957421375902000
UPUnion Pacific 3632359814159946355848862-1114401032
SL&ASt Louis & Alton 1842316012738994565524947420595
MKTMissouri, Kansas & Texas 67957031325079714036096141060612
SLSWSt Louis & Southwestern 15520103114599750900265751400
GWGreat Western 14018933117388945707237130000
SPSouthern Pacific 51351064280859988064723512425103384
GNGreat Northern 2951907412780878325836152-4400
NPNorthern Pacific 2812087311689988401543972-3119400

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Boston & Maine (B&M)
    B&M ; ME1 ; C1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AN]
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT ; C2 ; C3 ; NY1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AN]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A  (Double) ; B&H  (Double) ; NY3 ; C4  (Double) ; C5  (Double) ; MS  (Double) ; MC  (Double) ; OH6 ; MI5  (Double) ; MI6 ; WBSH (Double) ; OH7 ; IN10 (Double) ; IL7  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCMN]
  • New York & New Haven (NYNH)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    ERIE (Double) ; NY2 ; PA11 (Double) ; MRLE (Double) ; A&GW ; OH4 ; IN2 ; MON  (Double) ; IN6 ; KY8 ; S&A  (Double) ; S&G  (Double) ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL1  (Double) ; AL2  (Double) ; TN7 ; KY10 (Double) ; SM ; NO&J (Double) ; MS6 ; TN8  (Double) ; TN11
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOLCMG]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; PA9 ; PA10 (Double) ; LS  (Double) ; PA2  (Double) ; TP&W ; GTW ; IN1  (Double) ; IN3 ; OH8 ; KY3 ; KY4
    Unbuilt TN3
    [Regions: AOLC]
  • Reading (READ)
    READ (Double) ; PA5 ; PA6 ; P&FW (Double) ; WV2 ; OH2 ; OH5 ; MI2 ; FW&C (Double) ; PA4
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLC]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O ; WV1 ; M&C ; PA7 ; P&LE (Double) ; IN5  (Double) ; IN7 ; C&EI (Double) ; IL5  (Double) ; IL3 ; KY12 ; TN15 ; TN13
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCM]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&O  (Double) ; MD1  (Double) ; VC ; VA2 ; C&A  (Double) ; CNJ  (Double) ; PA1  (Double) ; PA8 ; SC5 ; WV4 ; BRL  (Double) ; KY2 ; KY5  (Double) ; KY7 ; O&M ; IL6  (Double) ; PA3
    Unbuilt KY13
    [Regions: ADOM]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; R&D  (Double) ; N&S  (Double) ; VA4 ; RF&P (Double) ; W&W ; VA5 ; KY1 ; IN4  (Double) ; IN9  (Double) ; IL2  (Double) ; IL1  (Double) ; IL4  (Double) ; KY11
    Unbuilt VA6
    [Regions: AOCM]
  • Wilmington & Manchester (W&M)
    W&M ; SC2 ; SC1 ; SC3 ; NC1 ; VA1 ; VA3 ; VA7 ; MD2
    Unbuilt NC2
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER  (Double) ; GA4  (Double) ; FL4 ; FL5 ; FL6  (Double) ; AL8 ; MS4 ; MS7 ; A&T ; AL4 ; TN5 ; KY6
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O)
    GM&O (Double) ; MS2  (Double) ; C&H  (Double) ; SC4  (Double) ; G&C ; GA1 ; GA8  (Double) ; AL3 ; TN10 (Double) ; TN12 ; MS3 ; IL8  (Double) ; TN2
    Unbuilt TN1
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C)
    N&C  (Double) ; A&C  (Double) ; KY14 ; TN14 (Double) ; COG  (Double) ; A&WP (Double) ; GA2  (Double) ; GA3 ; AL6 ; AL7  (Double) ; MS1  (Double) ; IL9  (Double) ; AL5
    Unbuilt KY9
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Michigan Northern (MN)
    MN  (Double) ; MI1 ; OH3 ; MI3 ; MI4
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: L]
  • Cincinnati & Chicago (C&C)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: C]
  • Louisville & Nashville (L&N)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: O]
  • Illinois Central (IC)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW)
    C&NW ; WI4 ; MN2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: CW]
  • Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP)
    CRIP ; IA7
    Unbuilt IA5
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q)
    CB&Q (Double) ; IA4
    Unbuilt MO7
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago, Alton & St. Louis (CASL)
    CASL ; MO1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: C]
  • Florida East Coast (FEC)
    FEC ; GA5
    Unbuilt FL1
    [Regions: ]
  • Chicago North Shore (CNS)
    CNS  (Double) ; M&SP (Double) ; SP&P ; ND1
    Unbuilt ND2
    [Regions: CW]
  • Missouri Pacific (MP)
    MP  (Double)
    Unbuilt MO8
    [Regions: MW]
  • Memphis & Little Rock (M&LR)
    M&LR ; AR4
    Unbuilt OK1
    [Regions: M]
  • Vicksburg & Texas (V&T)
    V&T ; TX5
    Unbuilt TX4
    [Regions: M]
  • Louisiana & Arkansas (L&A)
    L&A  (Double) ; LA2
    Unbuilt TX1
    [Regions: G]
  • Central Pacific (CP)
    CP ; NV2
    Unbuilt UT7
    [Regions: P]
  • Western Pacific (WP)
    WP  (Double) ; CA7
    Unbuilt NV1
    [Regions: P]
  • Union Pacific (UP)
    UP ; NE1
    Unbuilt CO7
    [Regions: W]
  • St Louis & Alton (SL&A)
    SL&A ; IL11
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: M]
  • Missouri, Kansas & Texas (MKT)
    MKT ; KCS ; OK6
    Unbuilt OK5
    [Regions: MW]
  • St Louis & Southwestern (SLSW)
    SLSW (Double)
    Unbuilt AR2
    [Regions: M]
  • Great Western (GW)
    GW  (Double)
    Unbuilt LA1
    [Regions: G]
  • Southern Pacific (SP)
    SP  (Double) ; CA4
    Unbuilt CA3
    [Regions: P]
  • Great Northern (GN)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: W]
  • Northern Pacific (NP)
    Unbuilt ND3
    [Regions: W]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RRStart priceTrade priceEnd priceNet change# Shares traded# Shares issued# Shares in treasuryPresidentChairmanDirectors
B&M364147+11 571 2 520 45 144 12 13
GT333028-5 868 3 900 01384 12
NYC624834-28 3471 25 109 0553
NYNH322825-7 31 1 100 0 48 12 13 14
ERIE43245-38 73904 71 118 47 7
PENN8513561+98 1588 47 682 13810912
READ9011849+57 1050 36 510 09910 12
B&O404652+12 2098 9 112 76 610 12
C&O354657+22 3344 20 261 44229 10
N&W383125-13 3991 9 777 4212124 9
W&M686970+2 783 5 304 76131310 12
SCL746250-24 1488 13 352 5581410
GM&O363126-10 2879 26 939 9911119 10
N&C787062-16 1642 17 229 66114 10 13
MN786042-36 1116 5 687 113 813
C&C262320-6 200 977 33 84
L&N504235-15 147 930 0 41 3
IC293337+8 220 925 0 84
C&NW7185100+29 814 7 440 16014141 10
CRIP496786+37 133 1 686 104661 10
CB&Q613816-45 732 2 665 85774 11 12
CASL696153-16 90 1 686 84229 10
FEC243036+12 575 1 990 55 8
CNS453321-24 2576 4 610 1251212
MP182328+10 538 1 415 055
M&LR413427-14 120 2 718 821111 12 13
V&T304050+20 322 1 887 11388
L&A8314150+117 66 5 004 556111110 12
CP5812950+142 178 9 292 34844
WP5012550+150 226 10 140 18033
UP4211839+153 195 13 680 64566
SL&A252933+8 123 878 42 92
MKT324049+17 551 3 219 17677
SLSW182022+4 253 698 77447
GW182431+13 288 700 033
SP407151+62 106 4 708 4221010
GN182227+9 616 1 364 11114144 8 12
NP182634+16 608 1 405 099

Private Companies Available for Purchase

KC&DKansas City & Denver 330
SP&DSt Paul & Duluth 750
T&PTexas & Pacific 1120

Map in PDF format