Continental Rails II

Game # 31 - Turn # 7

Headline News 1853 to 1854

World & National New

  1. 1853: Franklin Pearce defeats Winfield Scott in Presidential race.
  2. 1854: Wells, Fargo and Company founded in Sacramento.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Cyrus Holliday bought BRL for $11112, EugÞne de SÚgur bought A&C for $6350, Cyrus Holliday bought GM&O for $10001, William Ogden bought SM for $5975, Aubin de Verlin bought MN for $1800, John Forbes bought MS for $3683, Dan Drew bought O&M for $2011, Nicolas Koechlin bought C&C for $9310, William Palmer bought C&EI for $14003.
  • PCs Merged: GTW merges into TP&W, A&GW merges into B&O.
  • PCs Incorporated: NO&J, N&C, A&T.
  • New Engines Acquired: GT bought Norris 4-2-0, ERIE bought Norris 4-2-0, CNJ bought Norris 4-2-0, PENN bought Norris 4-2-0, READ bought Norris 4-2-0, B&O bought Norris 4-2-0, N&W bought Norris 4-2-0, W&M bought Norris 4-2-0, C&H bought Norris 4-2-0, SCL bought Norris 4-2-0, S&G bought Norris 4-2-0, MRLE bought Norris 4-2-0, M&C bought Norris 4-2-0, A&WP bought Norris 4-2-0, TP&W bought Norris 4-2-0, WBSH bought Norris 4-2-0, MC bought Norris 4-2-0.
  • New Technologies Acquired: B&M bought switch yards, ERIE bought switch yards, CNJ bought switch yards, PENN bought switch yards, READ bought switch yards, N&W bought switch yards, W&M bought Grand Station, W&M bought switch yards, C&H bought switch yards, SCL bought switch yards, S&G bought switch yards, MRLE bought switch yards, M&C bought switch yards, A&WP bought switch yards, TP&W bought switch yards, WBSH bought switch yards, MC bought switch yards.
  • RoWs built: C2 by NYC, C5 by ERIE, NY1 by CNJ, PA11 by PENN, WV2 by READ, PA2 by B&O, KY1 by N&W, TN2 by W&M, SC3 by C&H, AL3 by SCL, AL6 by S&G, IN1 by P&LE, OH2 by MRLE, IN4 by M&C.
  • PENN doubled NYNH, READ doubled PA5, W&M doubled VA1, SCL doubled GA8, P&LE doubled P&LE.
  • New RoWs acquired: B&M got ME1, PENN got PA1, C&H got SC4, MRLE got OH5, TP&W got MI1, MC got MI5, P&LE got IN3, B&O got IN5, M&C got IN9, WBSH got IN10, W&M got TN3, SCL got TN10, A&WP got AL1, S&G got AL7, READ got PA3, N&W got OH7.
  • RR Mergers: MRLE merges into NYC.
  • Loan Recalls: Edward Harriman, Thomas Scott, Nicolas Koechlin, William Palmer, William Ogden, Cyrus Holliday.
  • Stock splits: PENN splits 2 for 1.
  • New railroad Presidents: Milton Littlefield of P&LE, William Ogden of A&T, Nicolas Koechlin of N&C, Dan Drew of NO&J.
  • New Private Companies Available: FW&C, L&N, C&NW, CRIP, CB&Q.
  • William Palmer dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1464. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Edward Harriman, John Forbes, Thomas Durant, Milton Littlefield, Jim Fisk, Dan Drew
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Good to Panic.
  • Best locomotive available: Norris 4-2-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards.

Tycoon Announcements:

1Jim Fisk erie rr reaches detroit! on to chicago!
5Leland Stanford opium sets in motion program to bring life expectancy back to level god intended
6Milton Littlefield if you did not buy prr, you just missed out on a big dividend.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronNicolas Koechlin (9)Milton Littlefield (6)Dan Drew (14)Cyrus Holliday (15)Thomas Scott (7)
Rail MogulEugène de Ségur (10)Thomas Durant (11)William Palmer (12)Leland Stanford (5)Nicolas Koechlin (9)
Rail BuilderNicolas Koechlin (9)Jim Fisk (1)Thomas Durant (11)William Palmer (12)William Ogden (13)
Rail MagnateNicolas Koechlin (9)Jim Fisk (1)Dan Drew (14)Cyrus Holliday (15)Milton Littlefield (6)
Rail ProdigalThomas Durant (11)Cyrus Holliday (15)Edward Harriman (2)John Forbes (8)Milton Littlefield (6)
Rail BaronNicolas Koechlin (9)Thomas Durant (11)Cyrus Holliday (15)Jim Fisk (1)Dan Drew (14)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
6Milton Littlefield PENNP&LE........
9Nicolas Koechlin NYCN&CC&C....
3Aubin de Verlin ............MN
14Dan Drew ....NO&J....O&M
10Eugène de Ségur C&HS&GA&C....
1Jim Fisk ERIEMC........
11Thomas Durant M&CREAD........
8John Forbes CNJ........MS
2Edward Harriman N&WA&WP........
5Leland Stanford WBSHW&M........
15Cyrus Holliday SCL....BRLGM&O
7Thomas Scott ....GT........
12William Palmer B&OTP&WC&EI....
13William Ogden B&MA&TSM....
4Mirti ................

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
B&MBoston & Maine 145218991423492380362448941200
GTGrand Trunk 731494691179926776874091000
NYCNew York Central 17022640521531519948706624331467600337
ERIEErie Lackawanna 74110281856550992142371291375400
CNJCentral New Jersey 41958292338109912505560503520488
PENNPennsylvania 9321933201063259927631914614612260661
READReading 51087401515679813290683017790192
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 656880385370399185479925014000
N&WNorfolk & Western 1109142639784529930326216106551000
W&MWilmington & Manchester 8169579952688992144441321184400
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 8231394287808198224149912659600
SCLSea Coast Line 90616013592878962599901376588000
S&GSavannah & Gulf 53061034360109813804358268460430
P&LEPittsburgh & Lake Erie 661102579666769518535511538540350356
M&CMarietta & Cincinnati 3183745721725998004449970340281
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 1521955211340993790724330414850
TP&WToledo, Peoria & Warsaw 2472870317509966201638581312900
WBSHWabash Line 11419200119049530931199396200
MCMichigan Central 15219552123189436703238623400
A&TAlabama & Tennessee 14316824111049135370216802000
N&CNashville & Chattanooga 15117504117289037106227441000
NO&JNew Orleans & Jackson 18324566169518847088288622000

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Boston & Maine (B&M)
    Unbuilt ME1
    [Regions: A]
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC ; B&A ; B&H  (Double) ; NY3 ; HRL  (Double) ; C3 ; C2 ; MRLE ; LS ; OH2
    Unbuilt OH5
    [Regions: ALN]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    ERIE ; NY2 ; C4 ; C5
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ALN]
  • Central New Jersey (CNJ)
    CNJ ; PA8 ; NY1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; C&A  (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; NYNH (Double) ; PA9 ; PA10 ; PA11
    Unbuilt PA1
    [Regions: AL]
  • Reading (READ)
    READ (Double) ; PA5  (Double) ; PA6 ; WV2
    Unbuilt PA3
    [Regions: AO]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O ; WV1 ; OH1 ; A&GW ; PA2
    Unbuilt IN5
    [Regions: AO]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; R&D ; C&O ; N&S ; RF&P ; VC ; WV4 ; KY1
    Unbuilt OH7
    [Regions: AO]
  • Wilmington & Manchester (W&M)
    W&M ; W&W ; SC2 ; VA1  (Double) ; G&C ; TN2
    Unbuilt TN3
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H  (Double) ; NER ; SC1 ; GA2  (Double) ; COG ; SC3
    Unbuilt SC4
    [Regions: AD]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; S&A ; GA4 ; GA1 ; GA8  (Double) ; AL3
    Unbuilt TN10
    [Regions: AD]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    S&G ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL6
    Unbuilt AL7
    [Regions: A]
  • Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE)
    P&LE (Double) ; P&FW ; OH4 ; IN1
    Unbuilt IN3
    [Regions: OLC]
  • Marietta & Cincinnati (M&C)
    M&C ; IN4
    Unbuilt IN9
    [Regions: O]
  • Atlanta & West Point (A&WP)
    Unbuilt AL1
    [Regions: D]
  • Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W)
    TP&W ; GTW
    Unbuilt MI1
    [Regions: L]
  • Wabash Line (WBSH)
    Unbuilt IN10
    [Regions: O]
  • Michigan Central (MC)
    Unbuilt MI5
    [Regions: L]
  • Alabama & Tennessee (A&T)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ]
  • New Orleans & Jackson (NO&J)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: G]

Private Companies Available for Purchase

FW&CFt. Wayne & Chicago 570
L&NLouisville & Nashville 930
C&NWChicago & Northwestern 600
CRIPChicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 750
CB&QChicago, Burlington & Quincy 950

Map in PDF format