Continental Rails II

Game # 28 - Turn # 9

Headline News 1857 to 1858


  1. 1857: Western Union Telegraph Company begins operations.
  2. 1858: The Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court angers Northern anti-slavery elements.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Hannibal Kimball bought N&C for $6795, Hannibal Kimball bought L&N for $14156, Jim Fisk bought C&NW for $25000, Thomas Scott bought CRIP for $12345, Railroad Bill Jr bought CASL for $21012, Jay Gould bought CNS for $11341.
  • PCs Merged: SM merges into NO&J, BRL merges into C&O, C&EI merges into B&O, MN merges into MC.
  • PCs Incorporated: C&C, CB&Q, IC.
  • New Technologies Acquired: B&O bought steel rails, N&W bought Grand Station.
  • RoWs built: IN3 by NYNH, VA7 by C&A, PA7 by PENN, TN12 by B&O, MD2 by C&O, FL4 by C&H, AL2 by S&A, MS6 by SCL, GA3 by COG, KY8 by LS, KY1 by VC, IN6 by TP&W, MI1 by MC, MS3 by GM&O.
  • NYNH doubled FW&C, C&H doubled SC1, SCL doubled AL1, COG doubled GA2, LS doubled IN1, P&FW doubled P&FW, MC doubled MI5.
  • New RoWs acquired: C&O got NC2, COG got GA5, MC got OH3, VC got OH7, MON got IN7, O&M got IL3, B&O got IL6, C&H got KY4, N&W got KY7, LS got KY11, S&A got TN7, SCL got TN13, A&T got AL5, A&WP got AL6, GM&O got AL8, NO&J got MS7, NYNH got IN8.
  • RR Mergers: P&FW merges into PENN.
  • New railroad Presidents: Jay Gould of NYNH, Railroad Bill Jr of C&A, Edward Harriman of TP&W, Jim Fisk of IC, Milton Littlefield of CB&Q.
  • New Private Companies Available: FEC, M&SP, MP, M&LR, V&T, CP, UP.
  • Jim Fisk dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $4000. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Thomas Scott, J. Pierpont Morgan, Edward Harriman, Hannibal Kimball, Leland Stanford, Cornelius Vanderbilt
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Mild Depression to Recession.
  • Best locomotive available: Mogul 2-6-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron Edward Harriman (2) Jim Fisk (1) Thomas Scott (7) Hannibal Kimball (10) Jay Gould (9)
Rail Mogul Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5) Zorglub von Raspouti (11) Jim Fisk (1) Railroad Bill Jr (12)
Rail Builder Hannibal Kimball (10) Jim Fisk (1) Leland Stanford (5) Milton Littlefield (6) John Forbes (8)
Rail Magnate Hannibal Kimball (10) Leland Stanford (5) Milton Littlefield (6) Jim Fisk (1) John Forbes (8)
Rail Prodigal Jim Fisk (1) Leland Stanford (5) Edward Harriman (2) J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Thomas Scott (7)
Rail Baron Jim Fisk (1) Hannibal Kimball (10) Leland Stanford (5) Edward Harriman (2) Milton Littlefield (6)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
2 Edward Harriman C&H TP&W .... ....
11 Zorglub von Raspouti C&O READ A&C ....
10 Hannibal Kimball LS NO&J N&C L&N
7 Thomas Scott MC .... CRIP ....
9 Jay Gould NYNH GT CNS ....
1 Jim Fisk SCL IC .... C&NW
5 Leland Stanford GM&O B&O .... ....
6 Milton Littlefield .... CB&Q .... ....
4 J. Pierpont Morgan VC A&WP .... ....
12 Railroad Bill Jr PENN C&A .... CASL
8 John Forbes MON S&A .... ....
3 Cornelius Vanderbilt N&W A&T .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 780 79538 43746 99 140449 92122 3 4 0 246
NYNH New York & New Haven 2057 324792 181885 95 400907 256966 8 4 0 872
C&A Camden & Amboy 608 112718 58614 99 115603 77855 12 3 0 32
PENN Pennsylvania 955 133940 72328 97 162665 94432 8 9 0 77
READ Reading 288 67127 34905 99 54746 39163 16 16 0 63
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 1343 150093 85553 97 235713 171458 4 4 0 95
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 766 68590 41840 93 119193 100195 1 4 0 636
N&W Norfolk & Western 1172 106083 55163 99 211773 153679 2 4 900 235
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 133 11213 6616 95 22178 15381 1 0 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 1051 121186 64229 98 204389 149651 4 6 460 944
S&A Savannah & Augusta 920 121835 63354 99 152143 130092 6 1 0 273
SCL Sea Coast Line 1368 185799 96615 99 241152 170555 7 9 0 291
COG Central of Georgia 410 53831 30684 97 75394 64121 4 9 550 532
LS Lake Shore 2065 345159 179482 99 391742 308883 9 9 0 240
VC Virginia Central 497 38814 22512 99 81563 69217 0 7 0 192
A&WP Atlanta & West Point 152 16087 9330 96 25450 21232 2 10 595 0
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 322 33965 20379 97 54822 46214 2 0 0 364
MC Michigan Central 700 94125 53652 97 127377 106484 5 4 0 0
A&T Alabama & Tennessee 143 14268 8275 96 26031 19371 2 1 665 0
GM&O Gulf, Mobile & Ohio 325 27110 15181 98 56066 46814 1 4 590 570
NO&J New Orleans & Jackson 227 28909 16768 96 42021 34539 4 4 1055 0
O&M Ohio & Mississippi 165 16692 9181 99 28606 23514 3 9 545 0
MON Monon Line 184 20374 11206 99 33904 27588 3 1 505 0
C&C Cincinnati & Chicago 202 20997 14278 86 31859 27141 1 0 0 0
IC Illinois Central 185 20002 13801 85 29564 25186 1 0 0 0
CB&Q Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 190 19850 13101 88 30239 25761 1 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT ; C2 ; C3 ; NY1
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AN]
  • New York & New Haven (NYNH)
    NYNHERIENY2B&HPA11GTWP&LEOH5FW&COH6CNJPA9PA10PA8IN3in8MONB&OICTP&WB&Oin5TP&WMONB&Oil1il2O&Mil4il5LSGTLSLSC&APENNLSLSPENNTP&WMCMONC&CB&OICc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsGTLSPENNPENNwv2PENNMCLSVCoh8MCmi2MCmi6LSTP&WB&Oin5TP&WMONB&Oil1il10il12il14wi1LSBoston New York Philadelphia Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis London
    NYNH  (Double) ; ERIE  (Double) ; NY2 ; B&H ; PA11 ; GTW  (Double) ; P&LE  (Double) ; OH5 ; FW&C  (Double) ; OH6 ; CNJ  (Double) ; PA9  (Double) ; PA10 ; PA8  (Double) ; IN3
    Unbuilt: IN8
    [Regions: AOLC]
  • Camden & Amboy (C&A)
    C&A  (Double) ; PA2  (Double) ; MD1 ; RF&P ; PA4 ; VA3 ; VA7
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENNLVPA5PA6PA7P&FWOH2NYNHC&AREADB&ONYNHLSNYNHLSTP&WREADC&AREADC&ANYNHNYNHC&OB&Owv2B&OMCLSNYNHMCmi2New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati
    PENN  (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; PA5 ; PA6 ; PA7 ; P&FW  (Double) ; OH2
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AO]
  • Reading (READ)
    READPA1PA3C&APENNPENNB&OC&AC&APENNC&ANew York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington
    READ  (Double) ; PA1  (Double) ; PA3  (Double)
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&OWV1M&COH1IN4IN9KY12C&EITN12il6O&Mmpsl&amktslsfslswm&win10il2O&Mil4il5il7il8il9LSky13mo2mo3mo4LSPENNLSLSO&MMONNYNHC&CICc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsREADC&AREADC&APENNC&AC&Owv2wv3PENNLSVCoh8MCLSTP&WNYNHin5TP&WMONNYNHin10il1il2O&Mil7il8il9il10il12il14VCky3ky9LSky13ky14tn8tn9SCLtn11SCLtn14tn15SCLGM&OSCLwi1Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Birmingham Chicago St. Louis Memphis Kansas City
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; M&C ; OH1 ; IN4 ; IN9 ; KY12 ; C&EI ; TN12
    Unbuilt: IL6
    [Regions: AOC]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&OVA2SC5BRLMD2nc2N&WN&Wva1nc1sc3B&OC&AN&WCOGC&HVCA&WPa&cPENNC&AC&AN&WC&Asc3S&AS&AB&OC&HBaltimore Washington Norfolk Wilmington Pittsburgh Atlanta Birmingham
    C&O ; VA2 ; SC5 ; BRL ; MD2
    Unbuilt: NC2
    [Regions: AD]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&WR&DN&SVA4W&WVA6TN1TN4TN5ky7LSO&Ml&nTP&Win10ky5ky6LSC&OC&AW&MVCa&cA&Tn&cva1C&OC&Ava5C&Anc1C&Oky6C&HC&Htn6Washington Norfolk Wilmington Cincinnati Louisville Atlanta Birmingham
    N&W ; R&D ; N&S ; VA4 ; W&W ; VA6 ; TN1 ; TN4 ; TN5
    Unbuilt: KY7
    [Regions: A]
  • Wilmington & Manchester (W&M)
    W&MN&WSCLnc1sc2Wilmington Charleston
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&HSC4G&CSC1TN2TN3GA4FL4ky4ky2ky3ky5ky6SCLS&ASCLSCLC&Ofecsc2sc3C&OS&ACOGCOGfl3fl5N&WN&WCharleston Savannah Cincinnati Louisville Atlanta Pensacola
    C&H  (Double) ; SC4 ; G&C  (Double) ; SC1  (Double) ; TN2 ; TN3 ; GA4 ; FL4
    Unbuilt: KY4
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&AGA1GA8AL4MS2AL2tn7n&cl&nky10ky14tn6tn8tn9SCLSCLCOGA&WPC&Oa&cA&TGM&ONO&Jl&agwC&HC&HCOGC&Htn6tn9SCLSCLA&TGM&Oms1GM&Oms4la3Charleston Savannah Louisville Atlanta Birmingham Mobile New Orleans
    S&A  (Double) ; GA1 ; GA8  (Double) ; AL4 ; MS2 ; AL2
    Unbuilt: TN7
    [Regions: ADG]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCLNERS&GGA6GA7AL1AL3TN10MS6tn13il8il9ky9B&Oky13ky14tn8tn9tn11B&Otn14tn15GM&OW&MC&HS&AA&WPA&TNO&JNO&Jm&lrnc1C&Hsc2COGCOGC&HCOGS&Atn8tn9tn11B&Otn14tn15S&AS&AA&TA&WPGM&Oms4ms5NO&Jar1ar5Wilmington Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham New Orleans St. Louis Memphis Vicksburg
    SCL  (Double) ; NER  (Double) ; S&G  (Double) ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL1  (Double) ; AL3  (Double) ; TN10 ; MS6
    Unbuilt: TN13
    [Regions: ADM]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COGGA2GA3ga5SCLfecC&HSCLfl3C&HS&ASCLSCLA&WPC&Oa&cC&HS&AC&HSCLS&ACharleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham
    COG ; GA2  (Double) ; GA3
    Unbuilt: GA5
    [Regions: AD]
  • Lake Shore (LS)
    LSMRLEA&GWOH4NYCHRLB&AB&MNY3C4C5IN1WBSHKY8ky11O&MB&Oin10il2O&MB&Oil7ky9ky10B&Oky13GTNYNHNYNHNYNHNYNHC&ANYNHPENNNYNHB&OTP&WMCMCMCO&MMONNYNHC&CB&Ol&nICc&nwcripCB&Qcaslcnsme1GTNYNHNYNHNYNHB&OPENNMCNYNHVCoh8MCmi2MCTP&WNYNHB&Oin5TP&Win10il1il10il12il14VCky3ky5N&Wky9ky10wi1GTBoston New York Philadelphia Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis Montreal London
    LS  (Double) ; MRLE ; A&GW ; OH4 ; NYC  (Double) ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A  (Double) ; B&M ; NY3 ; C4 ; C5 ; IN1  (Double) ; WBSH ; KY8
    Unbuilt: KY11
    [Regions: AOLCN]
  • Virginia Central (VC)
    VCWV4KY1oh7B&OLSTP&WLSC&CLSNYNHoh8LSTP&WNYNHB&Oin5ky3C&ON&WB&OLSLSC&OC&AN&Wva5C&Awv3oh8B&Oin5ky2ky3Washington Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
    VC ; WV4 ; KY1
    Unbuilt: OH7
    [Regions: O]
  • Atlanta & West Point (A&WP)
    A&WPal6SCLfl6SCLA&Tal7GM&OCOGC&Oa&cS&ASCLS&ASCLAtlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile
    Unbuilt: AL6
    [Regions: D]
  • Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W)
    TP&WIN2IN6NYNHLSO&MMONC&CB&Ol&nPENNMCLSNYNHNYNHVCoh8MCmi2LSNYNHB&Oin5MONNYNHB&Oin10ky5N&WLSCleveland Detroit Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
    TP&W ; IN2 ; IN6
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: O]
  • Michigan Central (MC)
    MCMSMI5MNMI1oh3LSNYNHLSNYNHTP&WNYNHPENNNYNHmi2NYNHTP&WMONNYNHC&CB&OICc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsPENNNYNHNYNHmi2mi3mi4mi6LSil1il10il12il14wi1LSBuffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Chicago London
    MC  (Double) ; MS ; MI5  (Double) ; MN ; MI1
    Unbuilt: OH3
    [Regions: LC]
  • Alabama & Tennessee (A&T)
    A&Tal5S&Afl6SCLS&ASCLS&AA&WPal7GM&Oa&cn&cS&AN&WN&Wtn6SCLS&ASCLS&AAtlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile
    Unbuilt: AL5
    [Regions: D]
  • Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O)
    GM&OMS3al8fl6S&AA&TA&WPal7S&Ams4tn8tn9SCLtn11B&OSCLSCLS&Aal7ms1S&Ams4SCLBirmingham Pensacola Mobile New Orleans Memphis
    GM&O ; MS3
    Unbuilt: AL8
    [Regions: G]
  • New Orleans & Jackson (NO&J)
    NO&JSMms7m&lrSCLtn11tn14tn15ms4ms5SCLar1ar5v&tl&agwms1S&Ams4ms5SCLla3la5Mobile New Orleans Memphis Vicksburg
    NO&J ; SM
    Unbuilt: MS7
    [Regions: MG]
  • Ohio & Mississippi (O&M)
    O&Mil3ICMONNYNHB&Oin10il1il2il4il5B&Oil7LSB&Oky13LSl&nTP&WB&Oin10il2B&Oil7ky5N&WLSLSB&Oky13Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis
    Unbuilt: IL3
    [Regions: O]
  • Monon Line (MON)
    MONin7B&OICTP&WNYNHB&Oin5TP&WNYNHB&Oil1il2O&Mil4il5NYNHC&CB&OICc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsMCLSTP&WNYNHB&Oin5TP&WNYNHB&Oil1il10il12il14wi1Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis
    Unbuilt: IN7
    [Regions: C]
  • Cincinnati & Chicago (C&C)
    C&CTP&WMONNYNHB&OICc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsLSNYNHVCoh8MCLSTP&WNYNHil1il10il12il14wi1Cincinnati Chicago
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: C]
  • Illinois Central (IC)
    ICMONNYNHC&CB&Oc&nwcripCB&QcaslcnsMCLSMONNYNHil1il2O&Mil4il5il10il12il14wi1Chicago St. Louis
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q)
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: C]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 31 29 27 -4  1046 3900 0 9 9 2
NYNH 34 37 41 +7  1723 10250 35 9 6 7
C&A 44 44 44 +0  676 2955 85 12 12 11
PENN 46 42 49 +3  458 4705 75 12 12 1
READ 37 38 39 +2  294 1440 0 11 11 4
B&O 18 19 21 +3  1541 6587 136 5 5 8
C&O 25 28 31 +6  703 3662 168 11 11 4
N&W 16 16 16 +0  1636 5864 0 3 3 5
W&M 11 14 17 +6  265 615 50   11 5 10
C&H 25 26 27 +2  1106 5179 82 2 2 1
S&A 51 42 34 -17  2387 4550 50 8 8 1 3
SCL 32 32 32 +0  1108 6707 140 1 1 5 9
COG 28 32 37 +9  375 1974 76   1
LS 31 35 39 +8  2127 10262 70 10 10 7 11
VC 33 31 29 -4  316 2412 73 4 4 2 5
A&WP 12 20 28 +16  333 760 0 4 4
TP&W 41 65 89 +48  272 1519 91 2 2 4
MC 33 37 41 +8  751 3420 80 7 7 12
A&T 17 26 35 +18  221 715 0 3 3 5 7
GM&O 22 33 44 +22  180 1530 95 5 5
NO&J 12 18 25 +13  390 1113 22 10 10
O&M 12 14 17 +5  304 825 0   2 1
MON 12 15 18 +6  362 920 0 8 8
C&C 0 0 12 +12  0 909 101   4
IC 0 0 12 +12  0 833 92 1 1
CB&Q 0 0 12 +12  0 855 95 6 6

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price
FEC Florida East Coast 1495
M&SP Milwaukee & St. Paul 1630
MP Missouri Pacific 1415
M&LR Memphis & Little Rock 660
V&T Vicksburg & Texas 865
CP Central Pacific 770
UP Union Pacific 525

Map in PDF format