Continental Rails II

Game # 26 - Turn # 9

Headline News 1857 to 1858


  1. 1857: Western Union Telegraph Company begins operations.
  2. 1858: The Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court angers Northern anti-slavery elements.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Jim Fisk bought WBSH for $911, Jim Hill bought O&M for $21809, Hannibal Kimball bought L&N for $9600, Jim Hill bought IC for $12101, Jay Gould bought CB&Q for $3503, Dan Drew bought CASL for $1014, Hannibal Kimball bought MP for $25000.
  • PCs Merged: NO&J merges into SM, C&EI merges into B&O.
  • PCs Incorporated: RF&P, C&NW, CRIP.
  • New Engines Acquired: GT bought 04/04/2000, LS bought 04/04/2000.
  • New Technologies Acquired: LS bought Grand Station.
  • RoWs built: PA11 by NYC, IN6 by B&O, WV4 by C&O, TN8 by C&H, TN10 by COG, IN8 by LS, IN3 by P&LE, IN9 by M&C, MI1 by MC, AL5 by A&T.
  • READ doubled PA1, B&O doubled A&GW, C&H doubled BRL, M&C doubled MON.
  • New RoWs acquired: S&A got SC3, A&T got FL6, MC got MI6, P&LE got IN7, LS got IL2, B&O got KY7, M&C got KY12, C&H got TN12, GM&O got MS3, SM got MS4.
  • RR Mergers: MC merges into NYC.
  • Stock splits: READ splits 3 for 1.
  • New railroad Presidents: Jim Hill of C&O, J. Edgar Thompson of RF&P, Jim Fisk of TP&W, Jay Gould of SM, John Forbes of C&NW, Edward Harriman of CRIP.
  • New Private Companies Available: CNS, M&SP, V&T, L&A, WP.
  • John Forbes dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $11973. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Jay Gould, Jim Hill, Dan Drew, Jim Fisk, J. Edgar Thompson, Hannibal Kimball
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Great to Boom.
  • Best locomotive available: American 4-4-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron Hannibal Kimball (5) John Forbes (2) Jay Gould (8) Dan Drew (1) J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail Mogul Jim Hill (7) Dan Drew (1) Jim Fisk (4) Hannibal Kimball (5) Jay Gould (8)
Rail Builder Jim Fisk (4) Jay Gould (8) John Forbes (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Hannibal Kimball (5)
Rail Magnate John Forbes (2) Jay Gould (8) Jim Fisk (4) Hannibal Kimball (5) J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail Prodigal Dan Drew (1) John Forbes (2) Jim Hill (7) Jim Fisk (4) Hannibal Kimball (5)
Rail Baron John Forbes (2) Jim Fisk (4) Jay Gould (8) Dan Drew (1) Hannibal Kimball (5)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
5 Hannibal Kimball C&H READ MP L&N
8 Jay Gould P&LE SM CB&Q ....
2 John Forbes C&NW A&T .... ....
1 Dan Drew GM&O M&C CASL ....
7 Jim Hill LS C&O O&M IC
4 Jim Fisk NYC TP&W WBSH ....
3 J. Edgar Thompson COG RF&P .... ....
6 Edward Harriman .... CRIP .... ....
14 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
12 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....
10 William Palmer .... .... .... ....
11 Byron Kilbourn .... .... .... ....
9 Erastus Corning .... .... .... ....
15 J. Pierpont Morgan .... .... .... ....
13 Thomas Scott .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
B&M Boston & Maine 145 23436 16171 85 40237 19127 4 6 0 0
GT Grand Trunk 329 44639 26337 98 95828 54518 4 0 0 0
B&H Boston & Hartford 110 20446 11245 99 34566 10509 11 1 0 0
NYC New York Central 1325 241183 127828 98 407870 223004 10 16 550 770
NYNH New York & New Haven 110 20363 13440 88 32888 9565 7 2 0 0
READ Reading 288 79880 45531 97 94610 42020 17 9 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 2177 426919 221997 99 641678 364352 12 16 0 519
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 655 94611 49198 99 185514 110135 7 0 0 102
RF&P Richmond, Fred. & Potomac 117 17458 12221 84 34079 19171 2 0 0 0
R&D Richmond & Danville 629 73369 40352 99 166495 79847 5 1 0 251
N&W Norfolk & Western 242 35822 19702 99 37598 818 11 3 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 1644 267106 146908 96 468681 218678 8 4 0 454
S&A Savannah & Augusta 674 109200 60061 99 194733 121402 7 22 0 38
COG Central of Georgia 1937 314472 163526 99 550853 190264 10 4 0 257
LS Lake Shore 628 87983 45752 99 192579 114913 6 9 436 189
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 1275 259256 137406 98 362225 208073 12 12 202 49
M&C Marietta & Cincinnati 650 98464 54155 99 169365 101049 7 9 800 303
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 140 15369 10297 87 34340 16799 2 1 0 0
A&T Alabama & Tennessee 276 35249 19386 99 79034 47011 5 0 220 233
GM&O Gulf, Mobile & Ohio 135 17395 9567 99 37830 22090 5 4 950 0
SM Southern Mississippi 227 36605 20132 99 72923 40140 8 19 384 0
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern 120 20610 14015 86 36959 20791 4 0 0 0
CRIP Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 150 23278 15829 86 44159 24841 3 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Boston & Maine (B&M)
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GTC2B&MNYCB&HB&OBoston Montreal
    GT ; C2
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AN]
  • Boston & Hartford (B&H)
    B&HB&MGTNYCNYNHBoston New York
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYCB&ANY3C4C5PA11MCMI5MI1mi6msP&LEP&LEP&LEmi4B&MGTB&HB&OLSP&LELSP&LETP&WmnmsM&CP&LEc&cB&OicC&NWCRIPcb&qcaslcnsny1B&Opa10B&Ooh3P&LEmi2mi4in1il1il10il12il14wi1B&OBoston New York Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Chicago Montreal London
    NYC  (Double) ; B&A ; NY3 ; C4 ; C5 ; PA11 ; MC ; MI5 ; MI1
    Unbuilt: MI6
    [Regions: ALCN]
  • New York & New Haven (NYNH)
    NYNHB&HB&OB&OcnjB&OBoston New York Philadelphia
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Reading (READ)
    READPA1PA3B&OP&LEP&LEB&OB&OC&OP&LEC&ONew York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington
    READ  (Double) ; PA1  (Double) ; PA3
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&OWV1OH1A&GWOH2C&AHRLPA2ERIEC3NY2IN5C&EIIN6ky7wbsho&ml&nin10ky5ky6ky8tn5NYCNYCNYNHcnjP&LEP&LEREADLSLSp&fwP&LEM&CTP&Wwbsho&mM&CP&LEc&cl&nicC&NWCRIPcb&qcaslcnsny1NYCREADREADC&Opa7pa8pa10NYCC&Omd2wv2wv3oh3LSP&LEoh7oh8NYCmi2NYCin1LSP&LEM&CP&LELSM&Cin10il1il10il12il14R&Dky3ky5ky8wi1GTNYCBoston New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago Montreal London
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; OH1 ; A&GW  (Double) ; OH2 ; C&A  (Double) ; HRL  (Double) ; PA2  (Double) ; ERIE ; C3 ; NY2 ; IN5 ; C&EI ; IN6
    Unbuilt: KY7
    [Regions: AOLCN]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&OVA3MD1VCPA4WV4P&LEREADB&ORF&PR&DN&WREADB&OREADP&LEmd2N&Wva2R&DR&Dva7wv3R&Dky2Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Norfolk Cincinnati
    C&O  (Double) ; VA3 ; MD1 ; VC ; PA4 ; WV4
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Richmond, Fred. & Potomac (RF&P)
    RF&PC&OR&DN&WC&Omd2N&WC&Ova7Baltimore Washington Norfolk
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&DVA4VA5KY1C&ORF&PN&WM&CC&OB&OwbshN&Wva2C&Ova6va7wv3C&Ooh7oh8M&CB&Oky2ky3Washington Norfolk Cincinnati Louisville
    R&D  (Double) ; VA4 ; VA5 ; KY1
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: O]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&WVA1RF&PR&Dn&sCOGC&OCOGnc2Washington Norfolk Wilmington
    N&W ; VA1
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&HSC1G&CGA4BRLFL4A&CFL5N&CTN6TN8tn12il8il9ky9M&Cky13ky14tn9COGtn11tn13tn14tn15COGGM&Oms6COGS&ACOGCOGCOGCOGA&Tl&nfecS&AS&AS&Asc5S&AS&Aga5COGfl3A&Tky10ky14tn2tn4tn5tn7tn9COGtn11tn13al2COGGM&Oms6Charleston Savannah Louisville Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola St. Louis Memphis
    C&H  (Double) ; SC1  (Double) ; G&C ; GA4  (Double) ; BRL  (Double) ; FL4 ; A&C  (Double) ; FL5 ; N&C ; TN6 ; TN8
    Unbuilt: TN12
    [Regions: ADG]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&AGA1GA2SC4SC2sc3C&HC&Hva2nc2C&Hsc5w&mCOGC&HCOGCOGCOGC&HCOGC&HC&HCOGC&Hga3C&HCOGWilmington Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham
    S&A ; GA1 ; GA2  (Double) ; SC4 ; SC2
    Unbuilt: SC3
    [Regions: AD]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COGGA8A&WPAL4AL3SCLNERS&GNC1GA6GA7W&WAL6AL7TN10n&sw&mC&HS&AC&HC&HA&TGM&Om&lrN&Wnc2C&HS&AS&AS&Aga3C&Hga5A&TC&Htn9tn11C&Htn13tn14tn15al1al2A&Tal8ms1ms2GM&OSMms6ms7ar1ar5Norfolk Wilmington Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile New Orleans Memphis
    COG  (Double) ; GA8 ; A&WP ; AL4 ; AL3 ; SCL ; NER ; S&G ; NC1 ; GA6 ; GA7 ; W&W ; AL6 ; AL7 ; TN10
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Lake Shore (LS)
    LSMRLEOH4IN2IN8il2o&micP&LEM&Cin10il1il3il4il5il6il7ky11M&Cky13P&LEp&fwP&LEB&OTP&WM&Cc&cB&OicB&ONYCpa10NYCB&OB&Ooh3P&LEoh7oh8in1P&LEM&CB&OB&OP&LEM&Cil1il3il4il5NYCBuffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis London
    LS ; MRLE ; OH4 ; IN2 ; IN8
    Unbuilt: IL2
    [Regions: L]
  • Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE)
    P&LEGTWOH5FW&COH6PENNLVPA5PA6PA9IN3in7M&CB&OicLSM&CB&OB&OLSM&Cil1LSil3il4il5cnjB&OREADLSLSp&fwTP&WmsM&Cc&cB&OicC&NWCRIPcb&qcaslcnsREADB&OREADC&Opa7pa8pa10NYCwv2B&Ooh3LSoh7oh8NYCmi2NYCNYCin1LSM&CB&OB&OLSM&Cil1il10il12il14wi1New York Philadelphia Baltimore Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis
    P&LE ; GTW ; OH5 ; FW&C ; OH6 ; PENN  (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; PA5  (Double) ; PA6 ; PA9 ; IN3
    Unbuilt: IN7
    [Regions: AOLC]
  • Marietta & Cincinnati (M&C)
    M&CIN4MONIN9ky12o&min10LSil3il6il7il8il9ky9ky11ky13ky14C&Htn13tn14tn15B&Owbsho&mP&LEc&cB&OicC&NWCRIPcb&qcaslcnsB&Owv2wv3B&Ooh7oh8NYCin1LSP&LEB&OB&OP&LELSin10il1LSil3il6il7il10il12il14R&Dky3ky11ky13wi1Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis Memphis
    M&C ; IN4 ; MON  (Double) ; IN9
    Unbuilt: KY12
    [Regions: OC]
  • Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W)
    TP&WP&LEc&cB&Ooh3LSP&LEP&LEoh7oh8NYCmi2in1LSP&LECleveland Detroit Cincinnati Chicago
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: ]
  • Alabama & Tennessee (A&T)
    A&TAL5fl6C&HCOGCOGal8C&HC&HCOGtn4tn5C&Hal1al2COGCOGCOGCOGal8Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile
    A&T ; AL5
    Unbuilt: FL6
    [Regions: D]
  • Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O)
    GM&Oms3C&Htn9COGtn11C&Htn13COGCOGal8ms2SMms6COGCOGal8ms1ms2SMBirmingham Mobile New Orleans Memphis
    Unbuilt: MS3
    [Regions: G]
  • Southern Mississippi (SM)
    SMNO&Jms4GM&OCOGal8ms2GM&Oms5ms6ms7v&tl&agwms1ms2ms5ms6ms7la3la5Birmingham Mobile New Orleans Memphis Vicksburg
    SM ; NO&J
    Unbuilt: MS4
    [Regions: MG]
  • Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW)
    C&NWM&CP&LEc&cB&OicCRIPcb&qcaslcnsNYCin1il1il10il12il14il15wi1wi2wi3wi4Chicago St. Paul
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP)
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: C]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
B&M 16 21 27 +11  308 671 54   4
GT 38 39 41 +3  537 1645 0   7
B&H 49 50 51 +2  112 550 0   4 1 7
NYC 58 56 61 +3  1073 6512 120 4 4 7
NYNH 34 41 49 +15  167 536 14   4 1 7 8
READ 78 97 38 +36  295 4320 0 5 5 2 4 8
B&O 80 73 67 -13  3019 10745 148   2 8
C&O 63 73 83 +20  903 3056 219 7 7 1 4
RF&P 0 0 17 +17  0 527 58 3 3
R&D 55 53 52 -3  936 3090 55   1 7
N&W 62 71 81 +19  333 1169 45   1 2 4 7
C&H 50 57 65 +15  2615 8154 72 5 5
S&A 52 63 75 +23  1229 3370 0   8 7
COG 47 57 67 +20  3259 9645 47 3 1 5
LS 39 48 58 +19  728 3090 50 7 7 1
P&LE 87 78 70 -17  1482 6345 35 8 8 5
M&C 83 70 58 -25  741 3176 74 1 1 4
TP&W 16 23 30 +14  318 647 53 4 4
A&T 35 65 95 +60  187 1314 66 2 2
GM&O 16 26 36 +20  299 608 67 1 1
SM 16 26 37 +21  98 1044 91 8 8 7
C&NW 0 0 17 +17  0 540 60 2 2
CRIP 0 0 17 +17  0 675 75 6 6

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price
CNJ Central New Jersey 670
N&S Norfolk & Southern 1215
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 665
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 955
MN Michigan Northern 510
MS Michigan Southern 1020
C&C Cincinnati & Chicago 1010
FEC Florida East Coast 1495
CNS Chicago North Shore 425
M&SP Milwaukee & St. Paul 1630
V&T Vicksburg & Texas 865
L&A Louisiana & Arkansas 450
WP Western Pacific 710

Map in PDF format