Continental Rails II

Game # 26 - Turn # 4

Headline News 1847 to 1848


  1. 1847: U.S. and Britain reach peaceful agreement on Oregon border.
  2. 1848: Mexican war ends; California ceded to U.S.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: John Forbes bought HRL for $1013, Jim Hill bought LS for $1101, Jay Gould bought P&LE for $1215, Hannibal Kimball bought G&C for $989, Dan Drew bought M&C for $3233.
  • PCs Incorporated: READ, NYNH, B&H, COG.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought switch yards, NYC bought switch yards, C&A bought switch yards, PENN bought switch yards, B&O bought switch yards, C&O bought switch yards, R&D bought switch yards, N&W bought switch yards, C&H bought switch yards, S&A bought switch yards.
  • RoWs built: SC1 by C&H, NC1 by SCL.
  • PENN doubled LV.
  • New RoWs acquired: PENN got PA5, C&O got VA3, R&D got VA4, S&A got GA1, C&H got GA4, SCL got GA6, B&O got WV1, GT got C2, C&A got PA2.
  • New railroad Presidents: Jim Fisk of B&H, Jim Fisk of NYC, Hannibal Kimball of READ, Dan Drew of COG.
  • New Private Companies Available: P&FW, GTW, VC, A&WP, BRL, A&GW, MC.
  • Dan Drew dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1000.
  • Technology advance to steel rails improves track durability, reduces operating costs.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate remained stable at Improved.
  • Best locomotive available: Norris 4-2-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron J. Edgar Thompson (3) Dan Drew (1) Hannibal Kimball (5) Jim Fisk (4) Jim Hill (7)
Rail Mogul Jim Hill (7) Dan Drew (1) John Forbes (2) Hannibal Kimball (5) Jay Gould (8)
Rail Builder Dan Drew (1) John Forbes (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Jim Fisk (4) Hannibal Kimball (5)
Rail Magnate Hannibal Kimball (5) Dan Drew (1) John Forbes (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Jim Hill (7)
Rail Prodigal Dan Drew (1) John Forbes (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Jim Fisk (4) Hannibal Kimball (5)
Rail Baron Dan Drew (1) Hannibal Kimball (5) Jim Hill (7) J. Edgar Thompson (3) John Forbes (2)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
3 J. Edgar Thompson SCL .... .... ....
5 Hannibal Kimball C&H READ .... G&C
1 Dan Drew COG R&D .... M&C
7 Jim Hill C&O GT LS ....
8 Jay Gould PENN S&A P&LE ....
2 John Forbes B&O C&A HRL ....
6 Edward Harriman .... .... .... ....
4 Jim Fisk NYC B&H .... ....
11 Byron Kilbourn .... .... .... ....
15 J. Pierpont Morgan .... .... .... ....
12 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....
10 William Palmer .... .... .... ....
13 Thomas Scott .... .... .... ....
9 Erastus Corning .... .... .... ....
14 William Ogden .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 73 14317 8304 99 19689 13685 9 18 0 0
B&H Boston & Hartford 110 18067 13008 85 28079 18721 2 0 0 0
NYC New York Central 148 18380 10660 99 30307 533 7 2 0 0
NYNH New York & New Haven 110 18292 12987 86 28079 18721 3 0 0 0
C&A Camden & Amboy 92 22406 13444 97 26897 18831 11 9 0 0
PENN Pennsylvania 234 52071 30722 98 54690 22998 13 4 0 0
READ Reading 104 20013 14009 87 28274 18851 4 0 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 160 18094 10495 99 33379 1331 6 1 1025 0
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 94 12021 7092 98 21856 15128 4 10 0 0
R&D Richmond & Danville 76 13270 7697 99 19275 13457 8 9 650 0
N&W Norfolk & Western 82 13919 8212 98 16279 221 11 5 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 271 40840 23687 99 67673 27664 7 4 0 0
S&A Savannah & Augusta 138 20599 11947 99 33211 23081 5 1 0 0
SCL Sea Coast Line 581 80287 51383 96 129507 61865 5 9 625 225
COG Central of Georgia 86 13744 10033 84 21644 14431 2 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GTc2c3b&mb&aB&HBoston Montreal
    Unbuilt: C2
    [Regions: A]
  • Boston & Hartford (B&H)
    B&Hb&mGTb&aNYNHBoston New York
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYCb&ahrlny1ny3c3Boston New York Buffalo Montreal
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: ]
  • New York & New Haven (NYNH)
    NYNHB&HhrleriecnjC&ABoston New York Philadelphia
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Camden & Amboy (C&A)
    C&Apa2PENNPENNREADB&Opa1pa3pa4md1hrlNYNHeriecnjPENNPENNREADpa1New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington
    Unbuilt: PA2
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENNLVpa5READpa3pa4pa6cnjC&AREADpa1C&Apa3pa4pa8pa9New York Philadelphia Baltimore Pittsburgh
    PENN ; LV  (Double)
    Unbuilt: PA5
    [Regions: A]
  • Reading (READ)
    READC&APENNPENNpa1C&Apa3pa4PENNNew York Philadelphia Baltimore
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&Owv1m&cpa7md2wv2wv3oh1pa1C&Apa3pa4pa7md1md2Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Pittsburgh Cincinnati
    Unbuilt: WV1
    [Regions: A]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&Ova3rf&pR&DN&Wvcva1va2R&Dva7rf&pR&Dvcmd1md2va2R&Dva7Baltimore Washington Norfolk
    Unbuilt: VA3
    [Regions: A]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&Dva4C&Ovcva2C&Ova5va6va7C&Orf&pN&Wvcva1va2C&Ova7Washington Norfolk
    Unbuilt: VA4
    [Regions: ]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&Wrf&pR&Dn&sva1C&OWashington Norfolk
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&HSC1ga4S&ASCLSCLfecga2ga5fl3fl4SCLS&ASCLSCLg&csc2sc3sc4ga2Charleston Savannah
    C&H ; SC1
    Unbuilt: GA4
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&Aga1COGa&wpbrla&csc4ga8SCLSCLC&Hsc4ga2C&HCharleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham
    Unbuilt: GA1
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCLNERS&GNC1ga6ga3ga5ga7n&sw&ww&mC&HS&Ava1nc2C&Hsc2ga2ga3C&Hga5Norfolk Wilmington Charleston Savannah
    SCL ; NER ; S&G ; NC1
    Unbuilt: GA6
    [Regions: A]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COGa&wpbrla&cS&Aga2ga3ga8Savannah Atlanta Birmingham
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: D]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 14 25 37 +23  166 365 0 7 7
B&H 0 0 15 +15  0 495 55 4 4
NYC 24 28 33 +9  238 744 3 4 4 7
NYNH 0 0 15 +15  0 495 55   4
C&A 14 20 26 +12  186 460 0 2 2
PENN 31 29 27 -4  435 1175 0 8 8
READ 0 0 15 +15  0 468 52 5 5
B&O 22 24 27 +5  249 808 0 2 2
C&O 14 15 17 +3  175 470 0 7 7
R&D 14 16 18 +4  121 342 38 1 1
N&W 20 21 23 +3  109 411 3   7
C&H 20 22 25 +5  213 1290 71 5 5
S&A 14 15 16 +2  202 690 0 8 8
SCL 37 41 45 +8  620 2862 50 3 3 1 5
COG 0 0 15 +15  0 387 43 1 1

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price
B&M Boston & Maine 725
B&A Boston & Albany 1005
ERIE Erie Lackawanna 1435
CNJ Central New Jersey 670
RF&P Richmond, Fred. & Potomac 585
N&S Norfolk & Southern 1215
W&W Wilmington & Weldon 600
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 665
MRLE Mad River & Lake Erie 690
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 955
GTW Grand Trunk Western 535
VC Virginia Central 1465
A&WP Atlanta & West Point 760
BRL Blue Ridge Line 925
A&GW Atlantic & Great Western 580
MC Michigan Central 760

Map in PDF format