Continental Rails II

Game # 25 - Turn # 6

Headline News 1851 to 1852


  1. 1851: California admitted into Union as newest state.
  2. 1852: Average life expectancy now almost 42 years.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Henry Farham bought TP&W for $1003, Cyrus Holliday bought A&T for $5532, Byron Kilbourn bought GM&O for $12901, Maurin Jolybois bought NO&J for $18500, Maurin Jolybois bought SM for $4000.
  • PCs Merged: A&GW merges into MRLE, A&WP merges into COG, GTW merges into P&LE, G&C merges into W&M, NYNH merges into ERIE, HRL merges into ERIE.
  • PCs Incorporated: M&C, WBSH.
  • New Engines Acquired: GT bought 04/04/2000, B&H bought 04/04/2000, NYC bought 04/04/2000, ERIE bought 04/04/2000, C&A bought 04/04/2000, PENN bought 04/04/2000, READ bought 04/04/2000, B&O bought 04/04/2000, N&W bought 04/04/2000, W&M bought 04/04/2000, C&H bought 04/04/2000, S&A bought 04/04/2000, SCL bought 04/04/2000, COG bought 04/04/2000, P&LE bought 04/04/2000, MRLE bought 04/04/2000.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought Grand Station, GT bought switch yards, B&H bought switch yards, NYC bought Grand Station, NYC bought switch yards, ERIE bought switch yards, C&A bought Grand Station, C&A bought switch yards, PENN bought switch yards, READ bought switch yards, B&O bought switch yards, N&W bought switch yards, C&H bought Grand Station, C&H bought switch yards, S&A bought switch yards, COG bought switch yards, MRLE bought switch yards.
  • RoWs built: C3 by GT, C5 by NYC, NY1 by ERIE, PA9 by C&A, PA6 by PENN, MD1 by READ, PA7 by B&O, KY1 by N&W, SC3 by W&M, GA4 by C&H, GA8 by S&A, AL1 by SCL, OH3 by LS, OH4 by P&LE.
  • NYC doubled C4, PENN doubled PENN.
  • New RoWs acquired: GT got ME1, PENN got PA2, C&A got PA10, READ got MD2, W&M got SC5, C&H got FL4, LS got OH5, NYC got MI1, P&LE got IN1, MRLE got IN5, S&A got AL3, COG got AL6, B&O got PA4, N&W got IN4, SCL got AL4.
  • Loan Recalls: Railroad Bill Jr, Cyrus Holliday, Maurin Jolybois, Byron Kilbourn.
  • New railroad Presidents: Maurin Jolybois of B&O, William Ogden of M&C, Louis McLane of WBSH.
  • New Private Companies Available: N&C, MS, O&M.
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $3179. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Cyrus Holliday, Jay Gould, Louis McLane, Byron Kilbourn, Henry Farham, Maurin Jolybois
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Great to Panic.
  • Best locomotive available: American 4-4-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron Maurin Jolybois (4) Byron Kilbourn (6) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Cyrus Holliday (2) Henry Farham (5)
Rail Mogul Louis McLane (7) Maurin Jolybois (4) Byron Kilbourn (6) Cyrus Holliday (2) Henry Farham (5)
Rail Builder Louis McLane (7) Maurin Jolybois (4) Cyrus Holliday (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Byron Kilbourn (6)
Rail Magnate Louis McLane (7) Maurin Jolybois (4) Byron Kilbourn (6) Cyrus Holliday (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Prodigal Cyrus Holliday (2) Byron Kilbourn (6) Maurin Jolybois (4) Railroad Bill Jr (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Baron Louis McLane (7) Maurin Jolybois (4) Byron Kilbourn (6) Cyrus Holliday (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
3 Cornelius Vanderbilt C&H S&A .... ....
7 Louis McLane NYC WBSH MC ....
6 Byron Kilbourn PENN P&LE GM&O ....
5 Henry Farham LS COG TP&W ....
8 William Ogden M&C READ .... ....
4 Maurin Jolybois N&W B&O NO&J SM
2 Cyrus Holliday MRLE SCL A&T ....
9 Jay Gould .... W&M .... BRL
10 Edward Harriman .... .... .... ....
15 Thomas Durant .... .... .... ....
11 Milton Littlefield .... .... .... ....
14 William Palmer .... .... .... ....
13 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
12 Robert Schuyler .... .... .... ....
1 Railroad Bill Jr .... .... N&S ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 715 100914 55502 99 215250 126548 6 4 0 0
B&H Boston & Hartford 110 20363 12218 97 32378 14659 8 3 0 0
NYC New York Central 749 144197 80751 98 218183 114063 10 4 0 317
ERIE Erie Lackawanna 952 131468 76251 99 266081 156621 5 0 0 0
C&A Camden & Amboy 475 89692 51124 97 150374 89845 9 16 0 0
PENN Pennsylvania 479 93184 54978 98 141818 71339 9 9 0 122
READ Reading 238 52534 30470 99 81063 49076 10 4 0 80
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 310 40313 23381 99 81098 28489 6 16 0 338
N&W Norfolk & Western 828 109074 61081 98 205009 64229 7 4 0 520
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 566 67069 40912 99 168056 97288 2 8 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 595 92292 50761 99 171334 86367 8 9 825 90
S&A Savannah & Augusta 466 70629 43083 96 142759 85247 5 0 810 545
SCL Sea Coast Line 647 98664 60186 99 180657 91359 6 9 760 326
COG Central of Georgia 238 35815 20773 99 72905 40888 6 13 0 0
LS Lake Shore 289 40542 26353 95 82622 49858 3 1 0 0
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 566 81359 47189 99 165457 96309 5 13 0 308
MRLE Mad River & Lake Erie 254 38618 22398 99 75976 43093 6 4 625 0
M&C Marietta & Cincinnati 193 20580 13994 89 50399 28351 1 0 0 0
WBSH Wabash Line 114 19391 12798 91 35039 19711 5 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GTB&MC2C3me1c1NYCB&HNYCERIEERIEBoston New York Quebec Montreal
    GT ; B&M ; C2 ; C3
    Unbuilt: ME1
    [Regions: AN]
  • Boston & Hartford (B&H)
    B&HGTGTNYCERIEBoston New York
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYCB&ANY3C4C5mi1P&LEtp&wmcmnmsoh2LSLSmi2GTGTB&HERIELSmcmnmsERIEERIEC&Apa11mi2GTBoston New York Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Montreal London
    NYC ; B&A  (Double) ; NY3 ; C4  (Double) ; C5
    Unbuilt: MI1
    [Regions: ALN]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    ERIENY2NYNHHRLNY1NYCB&HNYCC&AC&ALSNYCpa8C&Apa11GTNYCBoston New York Philadelphia Buffalo Cleveland Montreal London
    ERIE ; NY2 ; NYNH ; HRL ; NY1
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AL]
  • Camden & Amboy (C&A)
    C&ACNJPA1PA9pa10LSERIENYCpa11NYCERIEERIEERIEPENNPENNREADB&OPENNREADB&Opa8READNew York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Buffalo Cleveland London
    C&A ; CNJ ; PA1 ; PA9
    Unbuilt: PA10
    [Regions: A]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENNLVPA5PA6pa2C&AREADB&OC&AREADB&OREADC&AC&AREADP&LEP&LEC&AREADB&OB&Opa8C&Awv2New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Cleveland Pittsburgh
    PENN  (Double) ; LV ; PA5 ; PA6
    Unbuilt: PA2
    [Regions: AO]
  • Reading (READ)
    READPA3MD1md2B&Oc&oN&WB&Ova7wv1C&APENNPENNB&Oc&oN&WC&APENNB&OPENNva7New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Pittsburgh
    READ ; PA3 ; MD1
    Unbuilt: MD2
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&OPA7pa4PENNREADC&APENNREADPENNREADP&LEP&LEC&APENNREADPENNREADREADwv1wv2Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Cleveland Pittsburgh
    B&O ; PA7
    Unbuilt: PA4
    [Regions: AO]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&WR&DVA4RF&PVA5KY1in4M&CMRLEWBSHmonc&eioh7oh8in2in3MRLEin6in7in8in9ky3c&on&sM&CvcMRLEWBSHREADREADva1va2va3va6va7wv3wv4oh7oh8MRLEky2ky3Baltimore Washington Norfolk Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
    N&W ; R&D ; VA4 ; RF&P ; VA5 ; KY1
    Unbuilt: IN4
    [Regions: AO]
  • Wilmington & Manchester (W&M)
    W&MW&WSC2G&CSC3sc5brlva2nc2tn2n&sC&HC&Hbrlva1va2nc1nc2C&Hsc4tn2Norfolk Wilmington Charleston Savannah Atlanta
    W&M ; W&W ; SC2 ; G&C ; SC3
    Unbuilt: SC5
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&HNERSC1GA4fl4fecga5fl3fl5W&MS&ASCLSCLW&Mfecnc1W&MW&Msc4ga2ga5fl3Wilmington Charleston Savannah Pensacola
    C&H ; NER ; SC1 ; GA4
    Unbuilt: FL4
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&AGA1GA8al3a&ttn8tn9tn10tn11tn12tn13SCLal2SCLal5ms3ms6SCLSCLCOGCOGbrla&ca&tC&Hsc4ga2C&HSCLal2SCLal5Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Memphis
    S&A ; GA1 ; GA8
    Unbuilt: AL3
    [Regions: AD]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCLS&GGA6GA7AL1al4a&tgm&oS&Aal2S&Aal5al8ms2ms3ms4C&HC&HS&ACOGa&tC&Hga2ga3C&Hga5S&Aal2S&Aal5COGCharleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Mobile New Orleans
    SCL ; S&G ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL1
    Unbuilt: AL4
    [Regions: AD]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COGA&WPal6SCLfl6SCLal5al7al8brla&cS&Aga2ga3SCLS&ASCLSavannah Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile
    COG ; A&WP
    Unbuilt: AL6
    [Regions: D]
  • Lake Shore (LS)
    LSOH3oh5P&LEtp&wmsfw&coh2oh6NYCmi2mi6P&LEMRLEP&LEtp&wERIENYCC&Apa11oh2NYCmi2NYCBuffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Chicago London
    LS ; OH3
    Unbuilt: OH5
    [Regions: L]
  • Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE)
    P&LEP&FWGTWOH4in1tp&wmonfw&cc&cc&eiicc&nwcripcb&qcaslcnsoh6oh7oh8mi5in2in3il1il10il12il14wi1LSMRLEMRLEtp&wc&cPENNB&Opa11wv2oh1oh2LSLSoh6oh7oh8NYCmi2in2in3Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago
    P&LE ; P&FW ; GTW ; OH4
    Unbuilt: IN1
    [Regions: OL]
  • Mad River & Lake Erie (MRLE)
    MRLEA&GWin5M&CWBSHmonc&eioh7oh8in2in3N&Win6in7in8in9N&Wky3LSP&LEP&LEP&LEM&CWBSHpa11oh1oh2LSP&LEoh7oh8N&WN&Wky3Buffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
    MRLE ; A&GW
    Unbuilt: IN5
    [Regions: OL]
  • Marietta & Cincinnati (M&C)
    M&CMRLEWBSHwv1wv2wv3oh1oh7oh8N&WMRLEN&Wky3Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: O]
  • Wabash Line (WBSH)
    WBSHM&CMRLEo&ml&noh7oh8N&WMRLEin6in10N&Wky3ky5ky7ky8Cincinnati Louisville
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: O]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 34 34 35 +1  724 3455 120   4
B&H 30 34 39 +9  150 550 0   7 2 8
NYC 31 30 30 -1  975 3697 55 7 7
ERIE 61 49 38 -23  786 4428 332   5
C&A 34 39 45 +11  465 2298 77   8 4
PENN 45 40 35 -10  544 2345 55 6 6
READ 39 48 58 +19  281 1168 22 8 8 4 6
B&O 46 42 39 -7  173 1483 75 4 7
N&W 67 51 36 -31  940 4071 73 4 4 6
W&M 32 34 36 +4  513 2729 101 9 9
C&H 45 52 59 +14  641 2912 69 3 3 7
S&A 38 48 58 +20  522 2252 78 3 3 7
SCL 42 37 33 -9  784 3194 48 2 2
COG 16 28 40 +24  190 1114 76 5 5
LS 28 37 46 +18  332 1392 53 5 5
P&LE 24 33 43 +19  574 2709 121 6 6
MRLE 16 20 25 +9  270 1212 58 2 2
M&C 0 0 17 +17  0 869 96 8 8
WBSH 0 0 17 +17  0 513 57 7 7

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 470
VC Virginia Central 1465
A&C Atlanta & Chattanooga 685
N&C Nashville & Chattanooga 755
MN Michigan Northern 510
MS Michigan Southern 1020
O&M Ohio & Mississippi 825

Map in PDF format