Continental Rails II

Game # 24 - Turn # 8

Headline News 1855 to 1856


  1. 1855: The Know-Nothing Party sweeps Northern congressional elections.
  2. 1856: Soo Canal completed connecting Lake Superior to Lake Huron.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Nicolas Koechlin bought FW&C for $3960, Eugene de Segur bought L&N for $6244, Aubin Rioudu Frei bought C&NW for $8500, Henry Farham bought CRIP for $5003, Henry Farham bought CB&Q for $5003.
  • PCs Merged: C&EI merges into P&FW, MC merges into PENN, A&C merges into N&C, A&T merges into N&C, W&M merges into N&W, MS merges into PENN, MON merges into M&C.
  • PCs Incorporated: O&M, BRL.
  • New Technologies Acquired: S&G bought Grand Station, COG bought Grand Station, P&FW bought Grand Station.
  • RoWs built: IN2 by ERIE, MI1 by PENN, OH1 by B&O, VA2 by C&O, OH7 by R&D, TN4 by N&W, TN12 by C&H, FL4 by SCL, AL1 by S&G, IN8 by P&FW, OH2 by GTW, IN9 by M&C, IN3 by TP&W.
  • CNJ doubled NY1, PENN doubled PENN, READ doubled READ, COG doubled GA2, P&FW doubled WBSH.
  • New RoWs acquired: READ got PA5, NYC got PA11, SCL got SC1, GTW got OH5, TP&W got IN7, P&FW got IL4, M&C got IL6, B&O got KY2, S&G got AL4, COG got AL6, GM&O got MS3, SM got MS4, PENN got MI5, ERIE got IN6, N&C got TN8, C&H got AL5.
  • Loan Recalls: Pascu, Aubin Rioudu Frei, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Nicolas Koechlin, Eugene de Segur.
  • New railroad Presidents: Henry B. Plant of GT, Cornelius Vanderbilt of R&D, Pascu of BRL, Pascu of O&M.
  • New Private Companies Available: IC, CASL, FEC, M&SP, M&LR.
  • Aubin Rioudu Frei dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $2030. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: J. Pierpont Morgan, Nicholas van Rijn, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry Farham, Thomas Durant
  • Invention of coal burning engine for locomotives improves operations, reduces operating costs.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate remained stable at Mild Depression.
  • Best locomotive available: Atlantic 4-4-2
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (5) Thomas Durant (11) Nicholas van Rijn (3)
Rail Mogul J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) Nicholas van Rijn (3) Thomas Durant (11) Cornelius Vanderbilt (5)
Rail Builder Henry Farham (10) Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (5) Nicholas van Rijn (3) J. Pierpont Morgan (4)
Rail Magnate Henry Farham (10) Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Henry B. Plant (8) Nicholas van Rijn (3)
Rail Prodigal Nicholas van Rijn (3) J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (5) Eugene de Segur (7)
Rail Baron Aubin Rioudu Frei (2) J. Pierpont Morgan (4) Nicholas van Rijn (3) Henry Farham (10) Cornelius Vanderbilt (5)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
4 J. Pierpont Morgan M&C C&H .... NO&J
2 Aubin Rioudu Frei P&FW PENN .... C&NW
11 Thomas Durant READ SCL .... ....
8 Henry B. Plant NYC GT .... ....
3 Nicholas van Rijn S&G TP&W .... ....
10 Henry Farham GM&O ERIE CRIP CB&Q
6 Nicolas Koechlin B&O GTW FW&C ....
7 Eugene de Segur CNJ COG L&N ....
5 Cornelius Vanderbilt R&D N&C .... ....
1 Pascu O&M BRL .... ....
12 William Palmer .... .... .... ....
9 CamilloN .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 570 60878 37745 95 155776 98002 0 0 0 0
NYC New York Central 640 83567 52647 91 205929 93508 1 1 0 0
ERIE Erie Lackawanna 1350 179043 98475 99 365009 180437 4 6 560 0
CNJ Central New Jersey 1152 166159 86403 99 320688 142000 7 4 0 812
PENN Pennsylvania 1213 177331 92211 99 270268 140879 8 9 0 240
READ Reading 425 93477 48609 99 139974 45233 14 9 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 716 70529 36676 99 179605 70001 3 5 625 363
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 484 41724 22948 99 90412 61383 2 1 0 0
R&D Richmond & Danville 769 79027 43464 99 202102 112395 2 1 0 443
N&W Norfolk & Western 1387 132501 71549 97 346782 185149 2 1 0 155
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 884 117351 61022 99 218050 120906 6 16 665 1077
SCL Sea Coast Line 628 83309 44987 97 135092 74249 6 6 0 202
S&G Savannah & Gulf 646 72297 42656 95 171294 109731 1 5 760 372
COG Central of Georgia 410 60199 31304 99 80299 53999 8 6 595 335
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 831 109495 56939 99 170451 127699 6 4 0 0
GTW Grand Trunk Western 242 26552 14604 99 39003 34427 4 0 600 405
M&C Marietta & Cincinnati 650 69060 37984 99 133883 94537 3 4 825 765
BRL Blue Ridge Line 185 16222 11031 86 27674 23576 0 0 0 0
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 210 20531 11292 99 33268 29552 3 8 505 245
GM&O Gulf, Mobile & Ohio 135 13455 7535 98 21590 18685 2 1 0 0
N&C Nashville & Chattanooga 431 42514 24233 97 72583 60546 2 8 720 0
SM Southern Mississippi 44 7537 4145 99 8154 7204 9 16 480 0
O&M Ohio & Mississippi 165 16692 11351 86 25649 21851 1 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT C2 C3 CNJ NYC CNJ NYC NYC CNJ Boston New York Montreal
    GT ; C2 ; C3
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AN]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC B&A HRL NY3 pa11ERIEERIEERIEGTW ERIEPENNoh3 PENNCNJ GT CNJ CNJ ERIECNJ READERIECNJ ERIEPENNGT PENNBoston New York Philadelphia Buffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Montreal London
    NYC  (Double) ; B&A ; HRL ; NY3
    Unbuilt: PA11
    [Regions: AL]
  • Erie Lackawanna (ERIE)
    ERIENY2 LS MRLEP&LEOH4 IN1 IN2 in6 P&FWO&M M&C P&FWl&n TP&WM&C P&FWTP&WP&FWM&C in10ky5 ky7 ky8 NYC CNJ CNJ READP&FWGTW P&FWTP&WM&C fw&cc&c P&FWic c&nwcripcb&qcaslcns CNJ NYC pa6 B&O CNJ PENNNYC wv2 B&O GTW oh3 oh6 R&D oh8 PENNTP&WM&C P&FWTP&WP&FWM&C il1 il10il12il14wi1 PENNNew York Philadelphia Buffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago London
    ERIE ; NY2 ; LS  (Double) ; MRLE ; P&LE ; OH4 ; IN1 ; IN2
    Unbuilt: IN6
    [Regions: AOLC]
  • Central New Jersey (CNJ)
    CNJ NYNHPA8 NY1 B&H B&M ME1 C1 GT NYC NYC NYC ERIEREADPENNERIEPENNGT Boston New York Philadelphia Buffalo Quebec Montreal
    CNJ  (Double) ; NYNH  (Double) ; PA8 ; NY1  (Double) ; B&H  (Double) ; B&M  (Double) ; ME1 ; C1  (Double)
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AN]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENNLV PA9 PA10C4 C5 MC MS MI1 mi5 M&C fw&cc&c P&FWic c&nwcripcb&qcaslcns mi4 mi6 ERIEil1 il10il12il14wi1 CNJ READREADERIEGTW TP&Wmn fw&cERIENYC READpa2 pa3 READREADCNJ NYC GTW oh3 GTW oh6 mi2 mi4 mi6 New York Philadelphia Baltimore Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Chicago London
    PENN  (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; PA9 ; PA10  (Double) ; C4 ; C5 ; MC ; MS ; MI1
    Unbuilt: MI5
    [Regions: ALN]
  • Reading (READ)
    READC&A PA1 MD1 PA4 pa5 PENNpa3 pa6 NYC CNJ ERIECNJ PENNPENNB&O C&O N&W pa2 pa3 N&W R&D New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Pittsburgh
    READ  (Double) ; C&A  (Double) ; PA1 ; MD1 ; PA4
    Unbuilt: PA5
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O WV1 PA7 WV3 OH1 ky2 va5 R&D R&D ky3 ky4 ky5 ky6 ERIEERIEP&FWM&C P&FWREADpa2 pa3 READpa6 READN&W va5 wv2 R&D GTW ERIER&D Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; PA7  (Double) ; WV3 ; OH1
    Unbuilt: KY2
    [Regions: AO]
  • Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)
    C&O VA4 VA2 N&W R&D R&D READN&W va3 va5 va6 R&D N&W sc3 N&W Baltimore Washington
    C&O  (Double) ; VA4 ; VA2
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&D VC VA7 WV4 KY1 OH7 C&O N&W N&W M&C P&FWTP&WP&FWc&c READN&W va1 C&O va3 C&O va5 B&O ERIEoh6 oh8 ERIEERIETP&WM&C P&FWB&O ky3 Baltimore Washington Norfolk Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
    R&D ; VC ; VA7 ; WV4 ; KY1 ; OH7
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: AO]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W RF&PN&S MD2 W&W NC2 SC5 TN2 W&M TN4 B&O C&O R&D SCL C&H BRL N&C N&C N&C B&O READva1 C&O va3 R&D nc1 sc2 sc3 B&O tn1 tn3 tn5 tn6 Baltimore Washington Norfolk Wilmington Charleston Pittsburgh Atlanta Birmingham
    N&W  (Double) ; RF&P  (Double) ; N&S ; MD2 ; W&W ; NC2 ; SC5 ; TN2 ; W&M ; TN4
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H SC4 G&C GA1 GA8 AL3 TN12al5 N&C fl6 S&G al2 S&G COG al7 al8 SCL S&G SCL COG COG BRL N&C N&C SCL sc2 sc3 N&W il8 il9 ky9 ky12ky13ky14N&W N&C tn9 tn10tn11tn13tn14tn15S&G al2 S&G GM&Oms6 Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile St. Louis Memphis
    C&H  (Double) ; SC4 ; G&C ; GA1  (Double) ; GA8  (Double) ; AL3 ; TN12
    Unbuilt: AL5
    [Regions: AD]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL NER GA4 FL4 sc1 C&H S&G S&G C&H sc2 sc3 C&H COG N&W C&H S&G S&G fec nc1 sc2 COG ga5 fl3 fl5 Wilmington Charleston Savannah Pensacola
    SCL  (Double) ; NER ; GA4 ; FL4
    Unbuilt: SC1
    [Regions: A]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    S&G S&A GA6 GA7 AL1 al4 N&C GM&OC&H al2 C&H C&H al8 ms2 GM&OSM SCL COG N&C SCL C&H C&H COG ga3 SCL ga5 C&H al2 C&H C&H COG Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Mobile New Orleans
    S&G ; S&A ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL1
    Unbuilt: AL4
    [Regions: AD]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COG A&WPGA2 al6 S&G fl6 S&G C&H al7 al8 S&G SCL S&G BRL N&C SCL C&H ga3 SCL S&G C&H S&G Charleston Savannah Atlanta Birmingham Pensacola Mobile
    COG  (Double) ; A&WP ; GA2  (Double)
    Unbuilt: AL6
    [Regions: AD]
  • Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne (P&FW)
    P&FWA&GWWBSHIN5 C&EIIN8 il4 ic mp sl&amkt slsfslswm&w TP&Wil1 il2 il3 il5 M&C il7 il8 il9 mo2 mo3 mo4 ERIEERIEM&C O&M M&C fw&cc&c l&n ic c&nwcripcb&qcaslcns pa6 B&O wv2 B&O GTW ERIER&D oh8 PENNERIEERIETP&WM&C ERIETP&WM&C in10il1 il2 il3 il5 il10il12il14R&D ky3 ky5 ky7 ky8 wi1 Cleveland Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis Kansas City
    P&FW  (Double) ; A&GW ; WBSH  (Double) ; IN5 ; C&EI ; IN8
    Unbuilt: IL4
    [Regions: OC]
  • Grand Trunk Western (GTW)
    GTW OH2 oh5 TP&WPENNfw&coh3 oh6 PENNmi2 mi6 ERIEERIEERIEP&FWP&FWTP&WNYC B&O oh3 ERIEPENNmi2 Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chicago
    GTW  (Double) ; OH2
    Unbuilt: OH5
    [Regions: L]
  • Marietta & Cincinnati (M&C)
    M&C IN4 MON IN9 il6 O&M mp sl&amkt slsfslswm&w in10il2 il3 P&FWil5 il7 il8 il9 ky11ky12ky13mo2 mo3 mo4 P&FWP&FWO&M fw&cc&c P&FWic c&nwcripcb&qcaslcns B&O wv2 B&O B&O R&D oh8 PENNERIEERIETP&WP&FWERIETP&WP&FWin10il1 il2 il3 il7 il10il12il14R&D ky3 ky11ky12ky13wi1 Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis Kansas City
    M&C ; IN4 ; MON ; IN9
    Unbuilt: IL6
    [Regions: OC]
  • Blue Ridge Line (BRL)
    BRL COG C&H COG N&C N&W C&H C&H N&W Atlanta Birmingham
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: D]
  • Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W)
    TP&WIN3 in7 M&C P&FWic ERIEM&C P&FWERIEP&FWM&C il1 il2 il3 P&FWil5 GTW M&C c&c P&FWGTW oh3 ERIEGTW oh6 R&D oh8 PENNmi2 ERIEERIEM&C P&FWERIEP&FWM&C Cleveland Detroit Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis
    TP&W ; IN3
    Unbuilt: IN7
    [Regions: ]
  • Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O)
    GM&Oms3 N&C tn9 tn10tn11C&H tn13C&H S&G al8 ms2 SM ms6 S&G al7 al8 ms1 ms2 SM Birmingham Mobile New Orleans Memphis
    Unbuilt: MS3
    [Regions: G]
  • Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C)
    N&C A&C A&T tn8 l&n ky10ky14tn7 tn9 tn10tn11C&H tn13C&H GM&Oms6 COG COG BRL l&n C&H C&H ky10ky14N&W tn5 tn6 tn7 S&G al2 C&H S&G C&H Louisville Atlanta Birmingham Memphis
    N&C ; A&C ; A&T
    Unbuilt: TN8
    [Regions: D]
  • Southern Mississippi (SM)
    SM ms4 GM&Ono&jS&G al8 ms2 GM&Oms5 ms6 ms7 no&jv&t ms5 ms6 ms7 la5 Birmingham Mobile New Orleans Memphis Vicksburg
    Unbuilt: MS4
    [Regions: M]
  • Ohio & Mississippi (O&M)
    O&M P&FWl&n ERIEM&C in10il2 il3 M&C il7 ky5 ky7 ky8 ky11ky12ky13Cincinnati Louisville St. Louis
    Unbuilt: none
    [Regions: O]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 47 39 31 -16  1761 2850 0 8 8
NYC 69 74 80 +11  1119 3207 0 8 8
ERIE 53 51 50 -3  2892 6715 35 10 10
CNJ 28 27 26 -2  1360 5760 0 7 7 6
PENN 41 41 41 +0  983 5863 207 2 2 4 11
READ 63 56 49 -14  612 2125 0 11 11 2
B&O 66 56 47 -19  520 3488 100 6 6 1 3
C&O 28 31 34 +6  294 2241 179   11 4
R&D 21 19 18 -3  1005 3739 106 5 5
N&W 32 22 12 -20  2739 6716 223   2 4
C&H 35 35 36 +1  1179 4382 44 4 4 11
SCL 46 42 39 -7  492 3065 82 11 4 7
S&G 29 29 30 +1  795 3182 48 3 3
COG 67 53 40 -27  690 1888 162 7 7
P&FW 56 55 55 -1  642 4013 142 2 2 8
GTW 22 36 50 +28  131 1143 67 6 6
M&C 34 38 42 +8  391 3084 166 4 4 5
BRL 0 0 12 +12  0 833 92 1 1
TP&W 17 25 34 +17  191 1015 35 3 3 4 5
GM&O 11 15 20 +9  278 675 0 10 10
N&C 11 15 20 +9  317 1985 170 5 5 3
SM 11 16 22 +11  96 198 22   5
O&M 0 0 12 +12  0 743 82 1 1

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price
MN Michigan Northern 510
C&C Cincinnati & Chicago 1010
IC Illinois Central 925
CASL Chicago, Alton & St. Louis 925
FEC Florida East Coast 1495
M&SP Milwaukee & St. Paul 1630
M&LR Memphis & Little Rock 660

Map in PDF format