Continental Rails II SdH 2012

Game # 20 - Turn # 9

Headline News 1857 to 1858


1857: Western Union Telegraph Company begins operations.
1858: The Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court angers Northern anti-slavery elements.

Railroad News

Private Companies Purchased: William Palmer bought ERIE for $1500, Karl Von Backenheime bought A&C for $3000, Karl Von Backenheime bought SM for $2163, Edward Harriman bought CRIP for $2200.

PCs Merged: C&C merges into B&O, GTW merges into READ, C&EI merges into N&W.

PCs Incorporated: C&NW.

New Technologies Acquired: C&O bought coal burning engines, G&C bought coal burning engines, WBSH bought coal burning engines.

RoWs built: MI5 by NYC, NY1 by READ, IN7 by N&W, VA1 by W&M, FL4 by NER, TN10 by SCL, WV2 by P&FW, TN4 by G&C, IN1 by WBSH.

PENN doubled PA3, READ doubled READ, N&W doubled KY1, NER doubled GA4, SCL doubled AL3, WBSH doubled A&GW.

New RoWs acquired: NER got FL5, WBSH got OH2, N&W got IL4, G&C got TN6, SCL got TN8, NO&J got MS4, TP&W got OH7.

RR Mergers: G&C merges into W&M.

Guerre tarifaire: READ declares rate war on PENN, reduces rates by 50%.

New Private Companies Available: M&SP, V&T, CP, UP.

Jay Gould earns the Heartland Award for linking the NYC from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Thomas Scott earns the Heartland Award for linking the B&O from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Leland Stanford earns the Heartland Award for linking the N&W from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Jim Fisk earns the Heartland Award for linking the SCL from the Atlantic to the Mississippi region.

Jim Fisk dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1010. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: William Palmer, Edward Harriman

Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Recession to Normal.
Best locomotive available: Atlantic 4-4-2
Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron J. Edgar Thompson (3) Jay Gould (9) Jim Fisk (1) Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5)
Rail Mogul Jim Fisk (1) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5) Jay Gould (9)
Rail Builder Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) Leland Stanford (5) Thomas Scott (7) Edward Harriman (2)
Rail Magnate Jay Gould (9) Jim Fisk (1) Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5) Thomas Scott (7)
Rail Prodigal Jim Fisk (1) Edward Harriman (2) William Palmer (12) J. Edgar Thompson (3) J. Pierpont Morgan (4)
Rail Baron Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) Edward Harriman (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Leland Stanford (5)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
1 Jim Fisk SCL WBSH .... ....
3 J. Edgar Thompson PENN TP&W .... ....
9 Jay Gould NYC .... .... ....
2 Edward Harriman READ NO&J CRIP ....
5 Leland Stanford N&W NER N&C ....
6 Karl Von Backenheime W&M .... A&C SM
7 Thomas Scott B&O O&M .... ....
12 William Palmer .... .... ERIE ....
11 Thomas Durant P&FW .... .... ....
10 Hannibal Kimball COG .... .... A&T
4 J. Pierpont Morgan C&H .... .... ....
8 John Forbes .... .... .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 329 37035 20369 99 63097 27421 5 3 0 0
NYC New York Central 2503 392377 204035 99 620196 215224 10 1 0 0
PENN Pennsylvania 938 154827 99404 99 219073 113760 5 29 0 312
READ Reading 1440 178462 113293 98 344264 113976 4 4 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 1340 176845 106107 94 283781 130534 5 1 0 285
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 949 89715 50241 98 197934 115664 2 0 0 0
N&W Norfolk & Western 1364 176578 91820 99 260868 106520 8 2 0 10
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 1147 104533 58539 98 258784 183956 1 10 0 0
NER Northeastern Line 741 97065 57269 95 175252 112353 4 1 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 321 45500 25025 99 71571 20878 8 0 0 0
SCL Sea Coast Line 1490 242827 126270 99 318141 64382 12 9 0 71
COG Central of Georgia 238 30257 19364 90 44764 23736 4 2 0 0
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 352 34992 19246 99 67734 46599 3 2 0 0
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 140 12004 6602 99 28366 18768 1 3 0 0
WBSH Wabash Line 534 80807 44444 99 119089 90971 6 4 675 656
NO&J New Orleans & Jackson 183 21895 12480 97 38007 20622 4 1 0 0
MS Michigan Southern 204 19848 13298 87 37015 23894 1 2 0 0
O&M Ohio & Mississippi 165 17415 11494 88 31001 19500 2 1 0 0
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern 120 16878 11308 87 23715 18635 3 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:
(Region Key: A=Atl D=DpSouth O=Ohio L=GtLakes C=Central M=Miss G=Gulf W=MidWest S=SWest T=Mtn P=Pacific N=Canada X=Mexico)
Grand Trunk (GT ) GT C2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AN]
New York Central (NYC ) NYC HRL  (Double) NY3 B&A B&M B&H C3 C4 C5 MN
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOLCN]
Pennsylvania (PENN) PENN  (Double) C&A  (Double) CNJ  (Double) PA1  (Double) NYNH  (Double) PA3  (Double)
PA9 PA10
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AL]
Reading (READ) READ  (Double) PA5 PA6 PA4 LV PA2  (Double) PA8 NY2 PA11
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOL]
Baltimore & Ohio (B&O ) B&O MD1  (Double) RF&P  (Double) WV1 R&D OH1 OH4 M&C IN4
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOC]
Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O ) C&O VC MD2 PA7 VA2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AO]
Norfolk & Western (N&W ) N&W  (Double) VA3  (Double) VA4  (Double) N&S VA5 KY1  (Double) IN5
Unbuilt: IL4 [Regions: AOC]
Wilmington & Manchester (W&M ) W&M W&W NC1 NC2 SC5 VA1 G&C TN2 TN4
Unbuilt: TN6 [Regions: A]
Northeastern Line (NER ) NER SC2 SC1  (Double) GA4  (Double) FL4
Unbuilt: FL5 [Regions: A]
Charleston & Hamburg (C&H ) C&H  (Double) SC4 SC3
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Sea Coast Line (SCL ) SCL  (Double) S&A  (Double) S&G  (Double) GA1  (Double) GA8  (Double) AL4
BRL GM&O AL3  (Double) TN10
Unbuilt: TN8 [Regions: ADMG]
Central of Georgia (COG ) COG A&WP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: D]
Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne (P&FW) P&FW WV2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: O]
Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W) TP&W
Unbuilt: OH7 [Regions: ]
Wabash Line (WBSH) WBSH  (Double) A&GW  (Double) OH8 IN1
Unbuilt: OH2 [Regions: OC]
New Orleans & Jackson (NO&J) NO&J
Unbuilt: MS4 [Regions: G]
Michigan Southern (MS ) MS
Unbuilt: none [Regions: L]
Ohio & Mississippi (O&M ) O&M
Unbuilt: none [Regions: O]
Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) C&NW
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data
RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 33 31 29 -4  482 1573 72   2 1
NYC 27 24 22 -5  4973 12243 279 9 9
PENN 44 49 54 +10  1848 4695 0 3 3
READ 41 39 37 -4  1646 7042 158 2 2
B&O 27 28 29 +2  1628 6399 309 7 7
C&O 16 16 17 +1  1186 4424 321   11 1 5
N&W 24 23 22 -2  1814 6682 142 5 5
W&M 20 23 28 +8  801 5600 135 6 6 5
NER 20 21 22 +2  839 3623 82 5 5 12
C&H 41 32 24 -17  862 1611 0 4 4 10
SCL 62 65 68 +6  1780 7410 47 1 1
COG 28 26 25 -3  269 1190 0 10 10 1
P&FW 17 20 24 +7  258 1680 80 11 11 12
TP&W 16 17 18 +2  173 700 0 3 3 12
WBSH 17 18 20 +3  520 2569 101 1 1
NO&J 13 16 19 +6  331 915 0 2 2
MS 13 14 16 +3  336 943 77   11
O&M 13 14 15 +2  312 763 62 7 7
C&NW 0 0 13 +13  0 540 60   1

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price
MON 920 FW&C 570 L&N 930 IC 925 CB&Q 950 CASL 925 FEC 1495
CNS 425 M&SP 1630 MP 1415 M&LR 660 V&T 865 CP 770 UP 525

Map in PDF format