Continental Rails II SdH 2012

Game # 20 - Turn # 14

Headline News 1867 to 1868


1867: The first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable laid between U.S. and Europe.
1868: U.S. spends millions to purchase Alaska wasteland from Russia!

Railroad News

Private Companies Purchased: Karl Von Backenheime bought SLSW for $2000, William Palmer bought SP&P for $5000, Leland Stanford bought KCS for $2605, Edward Harriman bought KCN for $4628.

PCs Merged: KC&D merges into MP, MON merges into TP&W.

PCs Incorporated: ATSF, M&SP, IC.

New Engines Acquired: GT bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, NYC bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, PENN bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, N&W bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, NER bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, C&H bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, SCL bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, COG bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, TP&W bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, NO&J bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, O&M bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, CRIP bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, CASL bought Prairie 2-6-2, MP bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, M&LR bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, UP bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, SL&A bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, SLSF bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, SP bought Chesapeake 4-6-0.

RoWs built: IL2 by N&W, KY14 by W&M, AL8 by NER, MI1 by SCL, GA2 by COG, WV4 by P&FW, IN8 by TP&W, MS6 by NO&J, MS7 by SM, OH6 by MS, WI4 by C&NW, IA7 by CRIP, MO7 by MP, NV2 by CP, CA4 by SP.

B&O doubled B&O, SCL doubled KY10, SP doubled SP.

New RoWs acquired: MS got IN3, B&O got IN9, SL&A got IL11, P&FW got KY2, W&M got TN14, SCL got AL7, C&NW got WI6, CRIP got IA5, UP got NE1, CP got NV1, SP got CA3.

RR Mergers: B&O merges into PENN.

Loan Recalls: William Palmer.

New railroad Presidents: J. Edgar Thompson of TP&W, Karl Von Backenheime of M&LR, Leland Stanford of ATSF.

New Private Companies Available: SV, SL.

Jim Fisk dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $1048. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Edward Harriman, Leland Stanford, William Palmer

Invention of automatic couplers facilitates operations, improves safety.
Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Good to Improved.
Best locomotive available: Chesapeake 4-6-0
Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines, block signal system, automatic couplers

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5)
Rail Mogul Jim Fisk (1) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Edward Harriman (2) Leland Stanford (5) William Palmer (12)
Rail Builder Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) Leland Stanford (5) Thomas Scott (7) Edward Harriman (2)
Rail Magnate Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) Leland Stanford (5) Thomas Scott (7) Edward Harriman (2)
Rail Prodigal Jim Fisk (1) Edward Harriman (2) William Palmer (12) Leland Stanford (5) J. Edgar Thompson (3)
Rail Baron Jim Fisk (1) Jay Gould (9) Edward Harriman (2) J. Edgar Thompson (3) Leland Stanford (5)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
1 Jim Fisk SCL C&NW .... NP
3 J. Edgar Thompson PENN TP&W .... ....
9 Jay Gould NYC .... .... ....
2 Edward Harriman UP CRIP KCN WP
5 Leland Stanford SP ATSF .... KCS
6 Karl Von Backenheime M&LR W&M SLSW ....
12 William Palmer .... MS .... SP&P
7 Thomas Scott .... O&M .... ....
11 Thomas Durant P&FW SL&A .... MKT
10 Hannibal Kimball V&T .... L&A GW
4 J. Pierpont Morgan C&H CASL .... ....
8 John Forbes .... .... .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 329 43536 23945 99 73006 1198 9 2 0 0
NYC New York Central 2729 485244 252329 99 715177 8405 13 3 0 0
ERIE Erie Lackawanna 287 31117 19604 91 75784 48854 1 0 0 0
PENN Pennsylvania 2278 476082 257084 97 599052 63393 15 9 0 24
READ Reading 1498 274504 164702 91 408559 29374 10 0 0 0
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio 949 102480 60463 95 230980 80716 4 0 0 0
N&W Norfolk & Western 1705 298744 155346 99 351674 22701 14 7 0 0
W&M Wilmington & Manchester 1844 219082 131451 91 464877 312909 3 7 0 0
NER Northeastern Line 1107 165091 85847 99 290839 93586 9 2 0 0
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 321 54390 29914 99 72602 899 12 4 0 0
SCL Sea Coast Line 2905 656137 387122 92 719763 52381 15 9 0 68
COG Central of Georgia 410 61186 33651 99 99418 44022 8 0 0 0
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 531 56088 31410 95 117673 77530 3 3 0 0
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 597 86771 47723 99 152408 89497 7 0 0 0
NO&J New Orleans & Jackson 603 84321 47219 98 144984 67420 7 3 0 0
SM Southern Mississippi 255 32661 19270 95 64092 40188 4 0 0 0
MS Michigan Southern 418 59542 37511 91 118405 51542 4 1 0 0
O&M Ohio & Mississippi 165 20755 11830 97 38581 12887 6 0 0 0
IC Illinois Central 185 24845 17640 83 47522 29128 1 0 0 0
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern 400 51359 32356 91 97535 53149 4 4 0 0
CRIP Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 358 44037 24221 99 87794 50782 5 4 0 0
CASL Chicago, Alton & St. Louis 185 25109 17074 86 38461 21621 4 0 0 0
M&SP Milwaukee & St. Paul 326 34102 22507 88 77685 47615 1 0 0 0
MP Missouri Pacific 572 74627 41792 98 140333 81921 5 1 0 0
M&LR Memphis & Little Rock 132 16227 9574 95 27778 16334 5 1 0 0
V&T Vicksburg & Texas 173 18433 11613 91 34568 20492 3 0 0 0
CP Central Pacific 328 35623 21017 95 76344 49368 3 0 0 0
UP Union Pacific 105 11422 6282 99 23253 15927 4 1 2580 0
SL&A St Louis & Alton 99 18865 11885 91 24527 15853 7 3 0 0
SLSF St Louis & San Francisco 239 27513 18434 87 48524 29596 2 1 0 0
SP Southern Pacific 513 68489 39723 96 122398 77122 5 0 0 0
ATSF Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 183 20339 13424 88 44050 27000 1 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:
(Region Key: A=Atl D=DpSouth O=Ohio L=GtLakes C=Central M=Miss G=Gulf W=MidWest S=SWest T=Mtn P=Pacific N=Canada X=Mexico)
Grand Trunk (GT ) GT C2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AN]
New York Central (NYC ) NYC HRL  (Double) NY3 B&A B&M B&H C3 C4 C5 MN
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOLCN]
Erie Lackawanna (ERIE) ERIE
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Pennsylvania (PENN) PENN  (Double) C&A  (Double) CNJ  (Double) PA1  (Double) NYNH  (Double) PA3  (Double)
PA9  (Double) PA10  (Double) B&O  (Double) MD1  (Double) RF&P  (Double)
Unbuilt: IN9 [Regions: AOLC]
Reading (READ) READ  (Double) PA5  (Double) PA6  (Double) PA4  (Double) LV PA2  (Double)
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOL]
Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O ) C&O VC MD2 PA7 VA2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AO]
Norfolk & Western (N&W ) N&W  (Double) VA3  (Double) VA4  (Double) N&S VA5 KY1  (Double) IN5  (Double)
C&EI  (Double) IN7 IL4  (Double) IN6 IL2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AOCM]
Wilmington & Manchester (W&M ) W&M W&W NC1 NC2 SC5 VA1 G&C TN2 TN4 N&C A&C
TN6 TN7 KY14
Unbuilt: TN14 [Regions: AD]
Northeastern Line (NER ) NER  (Double) SC2 SC1  (Double) GA4  (Double) FL4 FL5 FL6 AL8
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AG]
Charleston & Hamburg (C&H ) C&H  (Double) SC4 SC3  (Double)
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Sea Coast Line (SCL ) SCL  (Double) S&A  (Double) S&G  (Double) GA1  (Double) GA8  (Double) AL4
BRL  (Double) GM&O  (Double) AL3  (Double) TN10 TN8 A&T L&N  (Double)
KY10  (Double) WBSH  (Double) A&GW  (Double) OH8  (Double) IN1  (Double)
Unbuilt: AL7 [Regions: ADOLCMG]
Central of Georgia (COG ) COG A&WP GA2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AD]
Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne (P&FW) P&FW WV2 WV3 WV4
Unbuilt: KY2 [Regions: O]
Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W) TP&W OH7 IN2  (Double) MON IN8
Unbuilt: none [Regions: OC]
New Orleans & Jackson (NO&J) NO&J  (Double) MS4 MS5 MS6
Unbuilt: none [Regions: MG]
Southern Mississippi (SM ) SM MS7
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Michigan Southern (MS ) MS FW&C OH6
Unbuilt: IN3 [Regions: LC]
Ohio & Mississippi (O&M ) O&M
Unbuilt: none [Regions: O]
Illinois Central (IC ) IC
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]
Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) C&NW WI4
Unbuilt: WI6 [Regions: CW]
Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP) CRIP IA7
Unbuilt: IA5 [Regions: C]
Chicago, Alton & St. Louis (CASL) CASL
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]
Milwaukee & St. Paul (M&SP) M&SP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: W]
Missouri Pacific (MP ) MP KC&D MO7
Unbuilt: none [Regions: MW]
Memphis & Little Rock (M&LR) M&LR
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Vicksburg & Texas (V&T ) V&T
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Central Pacific (CP ) CP NV2
Unbuilt: NV1 [Regions: P]
Union Pacific (UP ) UP
Unbuilt: NE1 [Regions: W]
St Louis & Alton (SL&A) SL&A
Unbuilt: IL11 [Regions: M]
St Louis & San Francisco (SLSF) SLSF
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Southern Pacific (SP ) SP  (Double) CA4
Unbuilt: CA3 [Regions: P]
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (ATSF) ATSF
Unbuilt: none [Regions: W]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data
RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 34 34 34 +0  421 1621 24   2 1 3
NYC 46 44 42 -4  2830 13588 64 9 9 3
ERIE 42 32 22 -20  733 1435 0   12
PENN 42 43 54 +12  1156 11403 0 3 3 7
READ 38 45 52 +14  2287 7490 0   2 3
C&O 20 21 22 +2  1310 4668 77   11 1 5
N&W 42 38 35 -7  2417 8475 54   5 3
W&M 33 33 34 +1  1865 9143 77 6 6 5
NER 29 29 30 +1  1133 5476 59   5 12
C&H 32 32 33 +1  320 1611 0 4 4 10
SCL 64 60 57 -7  2501 14503 29 1 1
COG 32 32 32 +0  159 1964 86   10 1 12
P&FW 25 25 26 +1  745 2626 29 11 11 12
TP&W 24 28 32 +8  530 2843 142 3 3 12
NO&J 37 36 35 -2  356 2875 140   2 1
SM 26 26 27 +1  48 1170 105   6
MS 78 61 45 -33  357 2040 50 12 12 2 11
O&M 23 23 24 +1  202 809 16 7 7 3 12
IC 0 0 16 +16  0 833 92   3
C&NW 88 93 99 +11  117 1860 140 1 1 3 12
CRIP 51 49 47 -4  248 1686 104 2 2 1 12
CASL 21 21 22 +1  277 873 52 4 4 12
M&SP 0 0 16 +16  0 1467 163   12
MP 23 33 43 +20  437 2716 144   1
M&LR 14 16 19 +5  251 610 50 6 6 1
V&T 21 21 22 +1  232 816 49 10 10 12
CP 26 35 44 +18  214 1553 87   5
UP 14 17 21 +7  200 525 0 2 2
SL&A 18 19 21 +3  156 495 0 11 11
SLSF 14 16 19 +5  445 1105 90   6 12
SP 25 33 42 +17  161 2354 211 5 5
ATSF 0 0 16 +16  0 824 91 5 5

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price
CB&Q 950 FEC 1495 CNS 425 GN 1475 KP 890 SV 750 SP&D 750
SL 750

Map in PDF format