Continental Rails II

Game # 19 - Turn # 9

Headline News 1857 to 1858


1857: Western Union Telegraph Company begins operations.
1858: The Dred Scott decision by Supreme Court angers Northern anti-slavery elements.

Railroad News

Private Companies Purchased: Jim Hill bought C&EI for $14351, Jim Hill bought CASL for $6351, Henry Farham bought FEC for $6003, Frederik Conrad bought CNS for $8436.

PCs Merged: MS merges into MC, IC merges into P&FW, C&C merges into TP&W, O&M merges into WBSH.

PCs Incorporated: CRIP, C&NW, CB&Q.

New Engines Acquired: B&O bought Mogul 2-6-0, C&H bought Mogul 2-6-0.

New Technologies Acquired: N&C bought steel rails.

RoWs built: PA11 by NYC, OH8 by CNJ, NY2 by PENN, VA1 by READ, IL5 by N&W, TN12 by C&H, AL2 by SCL, MS1 by COG, KY12 by P&LE, IL4 by P&FW, TN4 by G&C, IN3 by TP&W, TN5 by A&T, MS3 by GM&O, KY14 by N&C, MS6 by SM.

NYC doubled MI1, PENN doubled PENN, READ doubled RF&P, C&H doubled GA1, SCL doubled AL5, COG doubled AL1, P&LE doubled MON, P&FW doubled IN5, G&C doubled G&C, MC doubled MN.

New RoWs acquired: READ got NC2, G&C got SC1, MC got MI6, WBSH got IN6, P&FW got IL2, N&C got IL8, PENN got KY2, CNJ got KY3, A&T got KY6, P&LE got KY11, C&H got KY13, SM got TN9, GM&O got TN13, COG got MS4, N&W got IL3, SCL got TN7.

RR Mergers: BRL merges into G&C, TP&W merges into NYC.

Reorganized RRs: GT.

Loan Recalls: B, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Frederik Conrad, Jim Hill, Stepp.

New railroad Presidents: Casey Jones of C&NW, Thomas Durant of CRIP, Griffes dÆargent of CB&Q.

New Private Companies Available: L&N, M&SP, MP, M&LR, L&A, UP, SL&A.

B dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $4012. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Cornelius Vanderbilt, Henry Farham, Stepp, Frederik Conrad

Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate remained stable at Depression.
Best locomotive available: Atlantic 4-4-2
Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron B (1) Casey Jones (2) Railroad Bill (9) Jim Hill (8) Henry Farham (6)
Rail Mogul B (1) Casey Jones (2) Jay Gould (7) Henry Farham (6) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Builder Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4) Railroad Bill (9) B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Magnate B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4) Railroad Bill (9)
Rail Prodigal Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) B (1) Frederik Conrad (4) Stepp (10) Henry Farham (6)
Rail Baron B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Casey Jones (2) Railroad Bill (9) Frederik Conrad (4)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
7 Jay Gould WBSH COG .... ....
8 Jim Hill .... N&C C&EI CASL
9 Railroad Bill N&W MC .... ....
6 Henry Farham PENN P&FW FEC ....
5 Griffes d’argent CB&Q G&C .... ....
1 B P&LE GM&O .... ....
11 Thomas Durant READ CRIP .... ....
2 Casey Jones .... C&NW .... ....
4 Frederik Conrad C&H .... CNS ....
3 Cornelius Vanderbilt NYC .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
12 William Palmer .... .... .... ....
10 Stepp SCL SM .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 952 97453 60420 95 166600 0 -2 0 0 26
NYC New York Central 1986 296735 154302 99 552120 330430 6 9 0 228
CNJ Central New Jersey 1670 227752 118430 99 431096 230137 5 12 0 1250
PENN Pennsylvania 1039 133568 78805 95 275373 168200 2 9 250 337
READ Reading 615 96259 50055 99 133832 44315 10 20 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 580 45690 26958 98 133696 55637 0 2 0 587
N&W Norfolk & Western 1917 227912 132190 93 543406 309725 1 7 0 828
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 1202 156377 87570 95 305262 177125 4 4 0 46
SCL Sea Coast Line 924 125840 65438 99 247694 140843 5 4 0 281
COG Central of Georgia 1491 194438 101110 99 346844 234384 5 9 0 566
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 2024 244639 134551 99 517992 332472 2 1 0 1828
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 838 107631 66732 95 185627 133998 2 15 0 0
G&C Greenville & Columbia 589 45728 26522 96 100568 60912 1 4 0 911
WBSH Wabash Line 279 30377 19441 90 42424 38198 2 0 560 0
MC Michigan Central 458 49147 30471 92 61081 54786 3 4 0 0
A&T Alabama & Tennessee 271 23066 14301 95 41412 37558 0 0 0 448
GM&O Gulf, Mobile & Ohio 325 26519 16442 95 47798 43862 0 0 440 618
N&C Nashville & Chattanooga 306 30767 17230 98 40381 37724 3 0 0 0
SM Southern Mississippi 507 49117 28488 96 78049 70781 2 4 0 980
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern 120 15499 10694 85 18017 16633 2 0 0 0
CRIP Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 150 16626 10474 91 21527 19873 2 0 0 0
CB&Q Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 190 19062 13534 83 26207 24193 0 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:
(Region Key: A=Atl D=DpSouth O=Ohio L=GtLakes C=Central M=Miss G=Gulf W=MidWest S=SWest T=Mtn P=Pacific N=Canada X=Mexico)
Grand Trunk (GT ) GT C2 B&M B&H ME1 C1
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AN]
New York Central (NYC ) NYC HRL C&A  (Double) NYNH  (Double) NY3 B&A  (Double) C3 C4
C5 MI1  (Double) PA11 TP&W C&C IN3
Unbuilt: none [Regions: ALCN]
Central New Jersey (CNJ ) CNJ  (Double) ERIE  (Double) PA9 PA10 NY1 LS  (Double) OH3 OH5
Unbuilt: KY3 [Regions: AOLC]
Pennsylvania (PENN) PENN  (Double) LV  (Double) PA5 PA6 WV2 WV3 PA8 NY2
Unbuilt: KY2 [Regions: AOL]
Reading (READ) READ  (Double) PA1  (Double) MD1 RF&P  (Double) VA7 VA1
Unbuilt: NC2 [Regions: A]
Baltimore & Ohio (B&O ) B&O WV1 OH1 OH2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Norfolk & Western (N&W ) N&W N&S R&D W&W VA4 VA5 KY1 IN4 IN8 M&C OH7  (Double)
Unbuilt: IL3 [Regions: AOCM]
Charleston & Hamburg (C&H ) C&H  (Double) NER  (Double) W&M SC4 GA1  (Double) GA8  (Double) AL3
TN10 TN12
Unbuilt: KY13 [Regions: ADM]
Sea Coast Line (SCL ) SCL  (Double) GA4  (Double) FL4 FL5 FL6 AL5  (Double) AL2
Unbuilt: TN7 [Regions: ADG]
Central of Georgia (COG ) COG  (Double) A&WP  (Double) A&C AL6 AL7 S&G  (Double) S&A  (Double)
GA6 GA7 AL1  (Double) AL4 MS1
Unbuilt: MS4 [Regions: ADG]
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE) P&LE  (Double) MRLE GTW OH4 IN2 C&O MD2 VC PA7  (Double)
VA2 MON  (Double) IN9 KY12
Unbuilt: KY11 [Regions: AOLC]
Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne (P&FW) P&FW  (Double) A&GW IN5  (Double) IN7 IC IL4
Unbuilt: IL2 [Regions: OCM]
Greenville & Columbia (G&C ) G&C  (Double) TN2 TN4 BRL
Unbuilt: SC1 [Regions: D]
Wabash Line (WBSH) WBSH O&M
Unbuilt: IN6 [Regions: O]
Michigan Central (MC ) MC MN  (Double) MS
Unbuilt: MI6 [Regions: L]
Alabama & Tennessee (A&T ) A&T TN5
Unbuilt: KY6 [Regions: D]
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O) GM&O MS3
Unbuilt: TN13 [Regions: G]
Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C ) N&C  (Double) KY14
Unbuilt: IL8 [Regions: ]
Southern Mississippi (SM ) SM NO&J MS6
Unbuilt: TN9 [Regions: MG]
Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) C&NW
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]
Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP) CRIP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q) CB&Q
Unbuilt: none [Regions: C]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data
RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 17 13 15 -2  2198 4760 0    
NYC 38 29 20 -18  3032 9710 227 3 3
CNJ 37 36 35 -2  2917 8299 51   2 3
PENN 28 33 39 +11  1821 5099 101 6 6 4
READ 67 77 87 +20  538 2995 80 11 11 5 15
B&O 26 21 17 -9  1035 2827 81   2 5
N&W 31 31 32 +1  2502 9529 60 9 9
C&H 65 47 30 -35  1225 5972 44 4 4 1 6 8
SCL 87 55 24 -63  2953 4577 50 10 10
COG 29 37 46 +17  1743 7386 69 7 7 8
P&LE 37 29 22 -15  2657 10040 80 1 1 4
P&FW 39 43 47 +8  859 4038 152 6 6 7
G&C 66 76 67 +1  424 2890 55 5 5
WBSH 11 17 24 +13  250 1313 82 7 7 9
MC 19 22 26 +7  366 2188 102 9 9 11
A&T 16 21 27 +11  180 1291 64    
GM&O 12 17 22 +10  222 1530 95 1 1 4
N&C 15 19 23 +8  184 1453 77 8 8
SM 23 24 26 +3  472 2395 140 10 10
C&NW 0 0 11 +11  0 540 60 2 2
CRIP 0 0 11 +11  0 675 75 11 11
CB&Q 0 0 11 +11  0 855 95 5 5

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price
L&N 930 M&SP 1630 MP 1415 M&LR 660 L&A 450 UP 525 SL&A 495

Map in PDF format