Continental Rails II

Game # 19 - Turn # 8

Headline News 1855 to 1856


1855: The Know-Nothing Party sweeps Northern congressional elections.
1856: Soo Canal completed connecting Lake Superior to Lake Huron.

Railroad News

Private Companies Purchased: Thomas Durant bought MS for $2001, Railroad Bill bought O&M for $12213, Casey Jones bought C&C for $11000, Henry Farham bought IC for $12403, Casey Jones bought C&NW for $43210, Thomas Durant bought CRIP for $4001, Griffes dÆargent bought CB&Q for $13010.

PCs Merged: FW&C merges into CNJ, NO&J merges into SM, RF&P merges into READ, MN merges into MC, MON merges into P&LE.

PCs Incorporated: WBSH.

New Engines Acquired: NYC bought Mogul 2-6-0, CNJ bought Mogul 2-6-0, READ bought Mogul 2-6-0, SCL bought Mogul 2-6-0, S&G bought Mogul 2-6-0, COG bought Mogul 2-6-0, P&LE bought Mogul 2-6-0, G&C bought Mogul 2-6-0, M&C bought Mogul 2-6-0, BRL bought Mogul 2-6-0, TP&W bought Mogul 2-6-0, MC bought Mogul 2-6-0, N&C bought Mogul 2-6-0, SM bought Mogul 2-6-0.

New Technologies Acquired: CNJ bought steel rails, READ bought steel rails, C&H bought steel rails, SCL bought steel rails, S&G bought steel rails, COG bought steel rails, P&LE bought steel rails, G&C bought steel rails, M&C bought steel rails, TP&W bought steel rails, MC bought steel rails, SM bought steel rails.

RoWs built: MI1 by NYC, OH6 by CNJ, PA8 by PENN, VA7 by READ, OH2 by B&O, IN8 by N&W, TN10 by C&H, AL5 by SCL, AL4 by S&G, AL7 by COG, IN9 by P&LE, IN7 by P&FW, TN2 by G&C, IN1 by M&C.

NYC doubled NYNH, CNJ doubled CNJ, READ doubled PA1, S&G doubled S&G, COG doubled A&WP, P&LE doubled P&LE, M&C doubled OH7, N&C doubled N&C.

New RoWs acquired: PENN got NY2, NYC got PA11, READ got VA1, CNJ got OH8, TP&W got IN3, P&FW got IL4, N&W got IL5, P&LE got KY12, N&C got KY14, G&C got TN4, A&T got TN5, C&H got TN12, SCL got AL2, COG got MS1, S&G got MS2, GM&O got MS3, SM got MS6.

RR Mergers: S&G merges into COG, M&C merges into N&W.

Bankrupt RRs: GT.

Loan Recalls: Casey Jones, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Griffes dÆargent, Henry Farham, Railroad Bill, Thomas Durant.

New railroad Presidents: Griffes dÆargent of BRL, Jay Gould of WBSH, Railroad Bill of MC, Stepp of SM.

New Private Companies Available: C&EI, CASL, FEC, CNS.

Casey Jones earns the Heartland Award for linking the CNJ from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Railroad Bill earns the Heartland Award for linking the N&W from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Frederik Conrad earns the Heartland Award for linking the C&H from the Atlantic to the Mississippi region.

B earns the Heartland Award for linking the P&LE from the Atlantic to Chicago.

Cornelius Vanderbilt dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $4079. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Henry Farham, B, Frederik Conrad

Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate remained stable at Depression.
Best locomotive available: Mogul 2-6-0
Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron B (1) Casey Jones (2) Railroad Bill (9) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Henry Farham (6)
Rail Mogul B (1) Casey Jones (2) Jay Gould (7) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Stepp (10)
Rail Builder Frederik Conrad (4) B (1) Casey Jones (2) Railroad Bill (9) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Magnate B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4) Railroad Bill (9)
Rail Prodigal Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) B (1) Frederik Conrad (4) Stepp (10) Henry Farham (6)
Rail Baron B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4) Railroad Bill (9)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
1 B P&LE GM&O .... ....
8 Jim Hill .... N&C .... ....
4 Frederik Conrad C&H .... .... ....
5 Griffes d’argent BRL G&C CB&Q ....
3 Cornelius Vanderbilt NYC TP&W .... ....
9 Railroad Bill N&W MC O&M ....
10 Stepp SCL SM .... ....
6 Henry Farham PENN P&FW .... IC
7 Jay Gould WBSH COG .... ....
2 Casey Jones A&T CNJ C&C C&NW
11 Thomas Durant READ .... CRIP MS
15 Cyrus Holliday .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
12 William Palmer .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 952 96573 59875 95 309659 174380 -2 0 0 40
NYC New York Central 1392 205178 119003 96 433882 240326 3 4 0 0
CNJ Central New Jersey 1568 202588 105345 99 402185 207067 5 9 0 1666
PENN Pennsylvania 836 102637 60556 95 235202 134013 1 1 0 519
READ Reading 455 78224 40676 99 106187 54495 10 16 0 0
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 580 45781 28385 95 129740 64693 -1 0 0 783
N&W Norfolk & Western 1797 198265 118959 91 511440 283671 0 2 0 1183
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 1114 143956 80616 95 281599 159136 4 4 0 70
SCL Sea Coast Line 824 109986 59392 97 223141 120712 4 9 0 432
COG Central of Georgia 1352 170907 90580 98 317403 209805 4 1 0 754
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 1864 219418 120679 99 482451 303248 2 9 800 1638
P&FW Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne 533 58880 36505 95 131167 86209 0 1 0 0
G&C Greenville & Columbia 293 21445 11795 99 54740 38395 0 1 555 746
BRL Blue Ridge Line 185 15525 11178 85 22564 19267 0 0 0 0
TP&W Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw 140 10973 6035 99 17729 16791 1 1 350 0
WBSH Wabash Line 114 14584 10355 83 17081 15769 1 0 0 0
MC Michigan Central 254 27710 16071 96 34289 30053 4 1 0 0
A&T Alabama & Tennessee 143 13238 8208 95 20289 18746 1 0 640 0
GM&O Gulf, Mobile & Ohio 135 13230 8203 95 18680 17450 1 0 950 0
N&C Nashville & Chattanooga 151 16331 10125 95 18222 17790 3 0 0 0
SM Southern Mississippi 227 26781 17140 90 34402 31363 2 1 1400 0

Railroad Lines:
(Region Key: A=Atl D=DpSouth O=Ohio L=GtLakes C=Central M=Miss G=Gulf W=MidWest S=SWest T=Mtn P=Pacific N=Canada X=Mexico)
Grand Trunk (GT ) GT C2 B&M B&H ME1 C1
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AN]
New York Central (NYC ) NYC HRL C&A  (Double) NYNH  (Double) NY3 B&A  (Double) C3 C4
C5 MI1
Unbuilt: PA11 [Regions: ALN]
Central New Jersey (CNJ ) CNJ  (Double) ERIE  (Double) PA9 PA10 NY1 LS  (Double) OH3 OH5
Unbuilt: OH8 [Regions: ALC]
Pennsylvania (PENN) PENN LV  (Double) PA5 PA6 WV2 WV3 PA8
Unbuilt: NY2 [Regions: AO]
Reading (READ) READ  (Double) PA1  (Double) MD1 RF&P VA7
Unbuilt: VA1 [Regions: A]
Baltimore & Ohio (B&O ) B&O WV1 OH1 OH2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Norfolk & Western (N&W ) N&W N&S R&D W&W VA4 VA5 KY1 IN4 IN8 M&C OH7  (Double)
Unbuilt: IL5 [Regions: AOC]
Charleston & Hamburg (C&H ) C&H  (Double) NER  (Double) W&M SC4 GA1 GA8  (Double) AL3 TN10
Unbuilt: TN12 [Regions: ADM]
Sea Coast Line (SCL ) SCL  (Double) GA4  (Double) FL4 FL5 FL6 AL5
Unbuilt: AL2 [Regions: ADG]
Central of Georgia (COG ) COG  (Double) A&WP  (Double) A&C AL6 AL7 S&G  (Double) S&A  (Double)
Unbuilt: MS1 [Regions: ADG]
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE) P&LE  (Double) MRLE GTW OH4 IN2 C&O MD2 VC PA7  (Double)
Unbuilt: KY12 [Regions: AOLC]
Pittsburgh & Ft Wayne (P&FW) P&FW  (Double) A&GW IN5 IN7
Unbuilt: IL4 [Regions: O]
Greenville & Columbia (G&C ) G&C TN2
Unbuilt: TN4 [Regions: ]
Blue Ridge Line (BRL ) BRL
Unbuilt: none [Regions: D]
Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw (TP&W) TP&W
Unbuilt: IN3 [Regions: ]
Wabash Line (WBSH) WBSH
Unbuilt: none [Regions: O]
Michigan Central (MC ) MC MN
Unbuilt: none [Regions: L]
Alabama & Tennessee (A&T ) A&T
Unbuilt: TN5 [Regions: D]
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio (GM&O) GM&O
Unbuilt: MS3 [Regions: G]
Nashville & Chattanooga (N&C ) N&C  (Double)
Unbuilt: KY14 [Regions: ]
Southern Mississippi (SM ) SM NO&J
Unbuilt: MS6 [Regions: MG]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data
RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 35 26 17 -18  2123 4760 0    
NYC 33 35 38 +5  1969 6938 29 3 3
CNJ 71 54 37 -34  1649 7733 107 2 2 3 9
PENN 46 37 28 -18  1007 4148 37 6 6 2
READ 94 80 67 -27  472 2170 105 11 11 5 15
B&O 39 32 26 -13  994 2801 107   2 5
N&W 31 31 31 +0  1525 8838 151 9 9
C&H 47 56 65 +18  1214 5529 47 4 4 1 6 8
SCL 86 86 87 +1  811 4061 66 10 10 5
COG 21 27 29 +8  858 6654 106 7 7 8
P&LE 40 38 37 -3  1948 9154 166 1 1 4
P&FW 50 44 39 -11  627 2615 50 6 6 7
G&C 35 50 66 +31  107 1366 99 5 5
BRL 10 12 14 +4  350 856 69 5 5 4
TP&W 10 12 14 +4  262 700 0 3 3 2
WBSH 0 0 11 +11  0 513 57 7 7
MC 10 14 19 +9  333 1162 108 9 9
A&T 10 13 16 +6  271 715 0 2 2
GM&O 10 11 12 +2  219 675 0 1 1 4
N&C 10 12 15 +5  284 755 0 8 8
SM 10 16 23 +13  94 1044 91 10 10 11

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price
C&EI 920 CASL 925 FEC 1495 CNS 425

Map in PDF format