Continental Rails II

Game # 19 - Turn # 13

Headline News 1865 to 1866


1865: Nevada admitted into Union as newest state.
1866: Prussia unifies north German states by defeating Austria in 7 Weeks War

Railroad News

Private Companies Purchased: B bought ATSF for $21147, Henry Farham bought KCS for $16376.

PCs Merged: NP merges into C&NW.

PCs Incorporated: GW, KP, SP, MKT, WP.

New Engines Acquired: CNJ bought Prairie 2-6-2, PENN bought Prairie 2-6-2, READ bought Prairie 2-6-2, P&LE bought Prairie 2-6-2, WBSH bought Prairie 2-6-2, MC bought Prairie 2-6-2, C&NW bought Prairie 2-6-2, CRIP bought Prairie 2-6-2, CB&Q bought Prairie 2-6-2, CASL bought Prairie 2-6-2, CNS bought Prairie 2-6-2, MP bought Prairie 2-6-2, V&T bought Prairie 2-6-2, L&A bought Prairie 2-6-2, CP bought Prairie 2-6-2, SLSF bought Prairie 2-6-2, SLSW bought Prairie 2-6-2, GN bought Prairie 2-6-2.

New Technologies Acquired: PENN bought block signal system, READ bought block signal system, P&LE bought block signal system, WBSH bought block signal system, C&NW bought block signal system, CB&Q bought block signal system, CASL bought Grand Station, CASL bought block signal system, CNS bought block signal system, MP bought block signal system, L&A bought block signal system, CP bought Grand Station, CP bought block signal system, SLSF bought block signal system, SLSW bought block signal system, GN bought block signal system.

RoWs abandoned: KY7 was abandoned by PENN, MN2 was abandoned by C&NW, WI2 was abandoned by CNS.

PENN doubled IL4, C&H doubled SC4, P&LE doubled MRLE, WBSH doubled C&EI.

New RoWs acquired: PENN got PA3, CNS got MN1, MP got MO6, SLSF got AR7, C&NW got ND3, GN got ND5, UP got NE1, CP got NV2.

Inadequate signal system slows GT rail service: mail contracts worth $7616 cancelled.

Inadequate signal system slows N&W rail service: mail contracts worth $13062 cancelled.

Inadequate signal system slows C&H rail service: mail contracts worth $14840 cancelled.

Lack of modern signal system causes major head-on collison: claims against CRIP exceed $2864.

New railroad Presidents: B of NYC, Cyrus Holliday of READ, Griffes dÆargent of CRIP, Henry Farham of L&A, Thomas Durant of WP, Henry Farham of MKT, Cyrus Holliday of SLSW, Frederik Conrad of SP, Jay Gould of KP.

New Private Companies Available: SP&P, KCN, SP&D.

Cornelius Vanderbilt dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $7371. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Stepp, B, Jim Hill, Henry Farham, Frederik Conrad

Civil War ends: Railroads may resume building Right-of-Ways.

Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Normal to Recession.
Best locomotive available: Chesapeake 4-6-0
Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines, block signal system

Tycoon Announcements:

3 Cornelius Vanderbilt let\'s go west!
5 Griffes d’argent sans erreur du programme, seule la seconde version existeraità

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber Baron Jim Hill (8) Jay Gould (7) B (1) Casey Jones (2) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3)
Rail Mogul Casey Jones (2) B (1) Jay Gould (7) Thomas Durant (11) Frederik Conrad (4)
Rail Builder B (1) Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4) Jay Gould (7) Railroad Bill (9)
Rail Magnate B (1) Henry Farham (6) Railroad Bill (9) Casey Jones (2) Frederik Conrad (4)
Rail Prodigal Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) B (1) Henry Farham (6) Stepp (10) Frederik Conrad (4)
Rail Baron B (1) Cornelius Vanderbilt (3) Casey Jones (2) Jay Gould (7) Frederik Conrad (4)

Player Summary

President of PCs owned
Player # Tycoon name RR 1 RR 2 PC 1 PC 2
7 Jay Gould WBSH KP .... ....
8 Jim Hill CASL CP .... ....
4 Frederik Conrad SP SLSF .... ....
3 Cornelius Vanderbilt CNS GN .... ....
5 Griffes d’argent CRIP CB&Q .... KC&D
1 B NYC MP ATSF ....
11 Thomas Durant UP WP .... ....
2 Casey Jones CNJ C&NW .... ....
6 Henry Farham L&A MKT KCS ....
9 Railroad Bill N&W MC .... ....
10 Stepp SCL .... .... ....
15 Cyrus Holliday READ SLSW .... ....
13 William Ogden .... .... .... ....
14 Dan Drew .... .... .... ....
12 William Palmer .... .... .... ....

Railroad Summary

RR Name Tracks Revenues Expense Efficiency Bonds Loans Profit / share Dividend / share Grant Land
GT Grand Trunk 952 112862 66589 95 189465 9751 7 0 0 4
NYC New York Central 1986 368313 220989 91 596607 349625 7 0 0 31
CNJ Central New Jersey 1771 281351 146303 99 511735 275363 8 6 0 176
PENN Pennsylvania 2221 388670 202109 99 588790 391477 9 10 0 82
READ Reading 1782 266677 138672 99 368718 60251 11 12 0 97
B&O Baltimore & Ohio 580 53936 35598 91 149635 54933 0 0 0 94
N&W Norfolk & Western 2177 304341 188690 89 629251 371340 3 1 0 95
C&H Charleston & Hamburg 1484 240945 134930 95 387438 236093 7 5 0 63
SCL Sea Coast Line 2411 331845 199107 91 568704 394583 4 4 0 259
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 2797 450961 234502 99 732828 485981 8 4 0 519
WBSH Wabash Line 2928 529770 275482 99 636065 436347 11 9 0 196
MC Michigan Central 568 70208 41422 92 92546 67691 5 1 0 0
A&T Alabama & Tennessee 381 36753 23522 90 60615 48199 2 6 0 70
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern 681 74683 38836 99 126242 100507 4 7 1940 227
CRIP Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 358 40071 23241 96 55326 18764 6 4 0 0
CB&Q Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 360 40599 22329 99 62485 33710 5 4 0 0
CASL Chicago, Alton & St. Louis 284 41213 22255 97 51195 39053 7 0 338 0
CNS Chicago North Shore 411 60191 33105 99 87572 63866 6 4 150 0
MP Missouri Pacific 283 34190 18804 99 45604 32159 6 4 980 0
M&LR Memphis & Little Rock 132 14837 9199 92 22540 15864 3 0 820 0
V&T Vicksburg & Texas 173 16982 10529 92 34527 19472 2 3 0 0
L&A Louisiana & Arkansas 90 16225 11033 86 16588 10681 6 3 0 0
CP Central Pacific 154 18810 9781 99 36030 25030 5 0 1044 0
WP Western Pacific 142 18207 12017 88 29753 21547 2 0 0 0
UP Union Pacific 105 10452 6167 95 15947 11655 3 4 2580 0
MKT Missouri, Kansas & Texas 326 30102 19867 88 61769 44731 0 0 0 0
SLSF St Louis & San Francisco 239 24390 15122 92 50206 35452 1 1 2200 0
SLSW St Louis & Southwestern 155 19581 12923 88 33385 20046 3 2 0 0
GW Great Western 140 17436 11856 86 29405 21295 2 0 0 0
SP Southern Pacific 90 18208 12199 87 22793 16507 6 0 0 0
GN Great Northern 295 22500 12600 98 59609 41641 0 1 0 0
KP Kansas Pacific 178 16554 11422 85 33929 24571 0 0 0 0

Railroad Lines:
(Region Key: A=Atl D=DpSouth O=Ohio L=GtLakes C=Central M=Miss G=Gulf W=MidWest S=SWest T=Mtn P=Pacific N=Canada X=Mexico)
Grand Trunk (GT ) GT C2 B&M B&H ME1 C1
Unbuilt: none [Regions: AN]
New York Central (NYC ) NYC HRL  (Double) C&A  (Double) NYNH  (Double) NY3 B&A  (Double) C3
C4 C5  (Double) MI1  (Double) PA11 TP&W C&C IN3
Unbuilt: PA2 [Regions: ALCN]
Central New Jersey (CNJ ) CNJ  (Double) ERIE  (Double) PA9 PA10 NY1 LS  (Double) OH3 OH5
Unbuilt: KY4 [Regions: AOLC]
Pennsylvania (PENN) PENN  (Double) LV  (Double) PA5 PA6 WV2 WV3 PA8 NY2 KY2
P&FW  (Double) A&GW IN5  (Double) IN7 IC  (Double) IL4  (Double)
Unbuilt: PA3 [Regions: AOLCM]
Reading (READ) READ  (Double) PA1  (Double) MD1 RF&P  (Double) VA7  (Double) VA1  (Double)
NC2 SC3 G&C  (Double) TN2 TN4 BRL  (Double) SC1  (Double)
Unbuilt: PA4 [Regions: AD]
Baltimore & Ohio (B&O ) B&O WV1 OH1 OH2
Unbuilt: none [Regions: A]
Norfolk & Western (N&W ) N&W N&S R&D W&W VA4 VA5 KY1 IN4 IN8 M&C OH7  (Double)
IN1 IL5  (Double) IL3 VA6
Unbuilt: TN1 [Regions: AOCM]
Charleston & Hamburg (C&H ) C&H  (Double) NER  (Double) W&M SC4  (Double) GA1  (Double) GA8  (Double)
AL3 TN10  (Double) TN12 KY13 IN10  (Double)
Unbuilt: IL7 [Regions: ADOM]
Sea Coast Line (SCL ) SCL  (Double) GA4  (Double) FL4 FL5 FL6 AL5  (Double) AL2  (Double)
FEC TN7 FL3 SM  (Double) NO&J MS6 TN9 MS7
Unbuilt: TN8 [Regions: ADMG]
Pittsburgh & Lake Erie (P&LE) P&LE  (Double) MRLE  (Double) GTW  (Double) OH4 IN2 C&O MD2 VC
PA7  (Double) VA2 MON  (Double) IN9 KY12 KY11 IL6  (Double)
GM&O MS3 TN13 TN14
Unbuilt: MS2 [Regions: AOLCMG]
Wabash Line (WBSH) WBSH  (Double) O&M IN6 C&EI  (Double) COG  (Double) A&WP  (Double) A&C
AL6 AL7 S&G  (Double) S&A  (Double) GA6 GA7 AL1  (Double)
AL4 MS1  (Double) MS4 MS5 N&C  (Double) KY14 IL8 L&N
Unbuilt: none [Regions: ADOCMG]
Michigan Central (MC ) MC MN  (Double) MS MI6
Unbuilt: MI2 [Regions: L]
Alabama & Tennessee (A&T ) A&T TN5 KY6
Unbuilt: none [Regions: D]
Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW) C&NW WI4 NP
Unbuilt: ND3 [Regions: CW]
Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP) CRIP IA7
Unbuilt: IA5 [Regions: C]
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (CB&Q) CB&Q IA4
Unbuilt: MO7 [Regions: C]
Chicago, Alton & St. Louis (CASL) CASL SL&A
Unbuilt: MO1 [Regions: CM]
Chicago North Shore (CNS ) CNS  (Double) M&SP
Unbuilt: MN1 [Regions: CW]
Missouri Pacific (MP ) MP
Unbuilt: MO6 [Regions: MW]
Memphis & Little Rock (M&LR) M&LR
Unbuilt: AR4 [Regions: M]
Vicksburg & Texas (V&T ) V&T
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Louisiana & Arkansas (L&A ) L&A
Unbuilt: none [Regions: G]
Central Pacific (CP ) CP
Unbuilt: NV2 [Regions: P]
Western Pacific (WP ) WP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: P]
Union Pacific (UP ) UP
Unbuilt: NE1 [Regions: W]
Missouri, Kansas & Texas (MKT ) MKT
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
St Louis & San Francisco (SLSF) SLSF
Unbuilt: AR7 [Regions: M]
St Louis & Southwestern (SLSW) SLSW
Unbuilt: none [Regions: M]
Great Western (GW ) GW
Unbuilt: none [Regions: G]
Southern Pacific (SP ) SP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: P]
Great Northern (GN ) GN
Unbuilt: ND5 [Regions: W]
Kansas Pacific (KP ) KP
Unbuilt: none [Regions: W]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data
RR Start price Trade price End price Net change # Shares traded # Shares issued # Shares in treasury President Chairman Directors
GT 36 35 34 -2  1264 4760 0   8
NYC 32 31 30 -2  1643 9937 0 1 3 2 7
CNJ 28 28 28 +0  2184 8855 0 2 2 3
PENN 27 38 49 +22  4769 11110 0   6 7
READ 60 58 57 -3  1233 8910 0 15 5 11
B&O 18 17 16 -2  893 2873 35   9 2 5
N&W 17 16 16 -1  3290 10889 0 9 9
C&H 28 28 29 +1  1322 7426 0   4 1 6 8
SCL 39 36 33 -6  3733 12062 0 10 10
P&LE 18 19 20 +2  4020 13985 0   1 4
WBSH 36 43 50 +14  2901 14640 0 7 8
MC 24 22 20 -4  682 2840 0 9 9 5 11
A&T 49 34 20 -29  1257 1905 0   7 2
C&NW 43 39 35 -8  640 3265 140 2 2
CRIP 69 71 74 +5  265 1790 0 5 11 3 4 9
CB&Q 76 76 77 +1  453 1800 0 5 5 2 8 11
CASL 30 40 50 +20  293 1420 0 8 8 1 7
CNS 58 58 58 +0  702 2055 0 3 3 4
MP 19 28 37 +18  410 1415 0 1 1 2 7
M&LR 21 31 41 +20  176 660 0   11 1 3 15
V&T 14 19 24 +10  445 800 65    
L&A 21 32 43 +22  165 424 26 6 6 2 8 9 15
CP 14 17 20 +6  280 770 0 8 8 7
WP 0 0 14 +14  0 639 71 11 11
UP 24 43 63 +39  140 525 0 11 11
MKT 0 0 14 +14  0 1467 163 6 6
SLSF 14 16 18 +4  431 1195 0 4 4 1
SLSW 14 16 18 +4  285 717 58 15 15 6
GW 0 0 14 +14  0 630 70   10
SP 0 0 14 +14  0 405 45 4 4
GN 14 18 23 +9  613 1475 0 3 3
KP 0 0 14 +14  0 801 89 7 7

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price CF Price
SP&P 1430 KCN 1115 SP&D 750

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