Continental Rails II

Game # 34 - Turn # 21

Headline News 1881 to 1882

World & National New

  1. 1881: Thomas Edison announces invention of electric light.
  2. 1882: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral leaves 3 dead, 2 wounded.

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: William Palmer bought A&P for $10101.
  • PCs Merged: C&S merges into L&A, FW&D merges into GW.
  • PCs Incorporated: DRGW.
  • New Engines Acquired: PENN bought Prairie 2-6-2, MRLE bought Chesapeake 4-6-0, SL&A bought Chesapeake 4-6-0.
  • New Technologies Acquired: GT bought refrigerated cars, PENN bought steel bridges, S&A bought automatic brakes, SCL bought refrigerated cars, SCL bought steel bridges, COG bought steel bridges, MC bought steel bridges, L&N bought refrigerated cars, CRIP bought automatic brakes, KCN bought Grand Station, KCN bought refrigerated cars, SP&D bought automatic brakes.
  • RoWs built: C1 by NYC, WY3 by C&NW, WA2 by CNS, OK3 by M&LR, LA5 by L&A, IA2 by SL&A, IL15 by MKT, NM6 by SLSF, AR6 by GW, TX13 by SP, IL10 by KCN, NV3 by SV, WI7 by SL, LA3 by CT.
  • New RoWs acquired: KCN got WI2, SL got WI5, GW got AR5, MKT got KS2, L&A got TX7, C&NW got WY2, SLSF got NM7, SV got AZ6, CNS got C9, CT got M2.
  • RR Mergers: SLSW merges into CT.
  • Injury claims by rail workers due to dangerous, outdated couplings cost R&D $4040.
  • Inadequate brakes on W&W locomotives results in numerous collisions; damages are $8385.
  • Old L&N wooden bridges inadequate for new locomotives. Repairs cost $5488.
  • CRIP bridge collapsed! Many passengers killed in plunge. Damages amount to $8617.
  • Inadequate brakes on SV locomotives results in numerous collisions; damages are $7722.
  • Reorganized RRs: B&O.
  • Insolvent RRs: R&D.
  • Bankrupt RRs: MS.
  • Loan Recalls: Jim Fisk, Edward Harriman, Leland Stanford, Cyrus Holliday.
  • Cornered stocks: N&W, SCL.
  • New railroad Presidents: William Palmer of C&H, Leland Stanford of DRGW.
  • Jim Fisk has a Transcontinental system.
  • J. Edgar Thompson has a Transcontinental system.
  • Milton Littlefield has a Transcontinental system.
  • Thomas Scott dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $155214. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: William Palmer, Leland Stanford, Milton Littlefield
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate changed from Normal to Recession.
  • Best locomotive available: Consolidation 2-8-0
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines, block signal system, automatic couplers, Pullman sleepers, automatic brakes, refrigerated cars, steel bridges.

Tycoon Announcements:

5Leland Stanford finally a colorado railroad! the game can now end!
6Milton Littlefield are the a&wp schemers using ill-gotten gains to short others?
10Hannibal Kimball i'm moving up! i'm gaining ground!

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronJ. Edgar Thompson (3)Milton Littlefield (6)William Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)Jim Fisk (1)
Rail MogulThomas Scott (7)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Cyrus Holliday (15)Edward Harriman (2)Milton Littlefield (6)
Rail BuilderMilton Littlefield (6)Edward Harriman (2)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Thomas Scott (7)William Palmer (12)
Rail MagnateMilton Littlefield (6)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Jim Fisk (1)William Palmer (12)Sleeping Dog (9)
Rail ProdigalMilton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)Cyrus Holliday (15)William Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)
Rail BaronMilton Littlefield (6)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Thomas Scott (7)Edward Harriman (2)William Palmer (12)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
3J. Edgar Thompson N&WCNS........
12William Palmer C&HCTA&P....
7Thomas Scott L&AC&NW....DP
2Edward Harriman GWMC........
1Jim Fisk NYCSP........
6Milton Littlefield PENNUP........
9Sleeping Dog SCL............
15Cyrus Holliday ................
14Dan Drew SLSFSL&A........
8John Forbes M&LR............
10Hannibal Kimball KCNSL........
11Rotshild ................
4J. Pierpont Morgan COGREAD........
13Railroad Bill Sr ........T&P....
5Leland Stanford DRGWMKT........

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
GTGrand Trunk 7801006815537496252883300603001
NYCNew York Central 225641307821480199700429522143001
PENNPennsylvania 29976240193619339311408455484731201
READReading 333902574693399144725540234000
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 11841885891225838629600000000
R&DRichmond & Danville 505536033591487174737432130000
N&WNorfolk & Western 26274248502209229987101926137633028
W&WWilmington & Weldon 645720314826187151756330240019
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 288650670726348799997465385869001
S&ASavannah & Augusta 56181029445669919531055192000
SCLSea Coast Line 211730958316408198555210677451061
S&GSavannah & Gulf 23713557361992119599368331106920014
COGCentral of Georgia 1049119751622709932170912539920087
MRLEMad River & Lake Erie 300449458230664089108594713724420027
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 152182691004899427585350000
MCMichigan Central 7831091335675099301861179958901
MNMichigan Northern 302327972197487113930127670001
MSMichigan Southern 20421025132469181804130140000
L&NLouisville & Nashville 6869090353634921949004662930029
ICIllinois Central 294434262779387115794446610001
C&NWChicago & Northwestern 2554303145163698975670053794311119890
CRIPChicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 12311349627692897241658127490200183
CNSChicago North Shore 226529961215579899545955372704430699
M&LRMemphis & Little Rock 985103447537919919965767625400950
V&TVicksburg & Texas 148315612385868992943021862970000
L&ALouisiana & Arkansas 1677196928108311992927282295775901514
UPUnion Pacific 301641938623485795694703462914250880
SL&ASt Louis & Alton 5046935538145991172735408276038
MKTMissouri, Kansas & Texas 157219949012368289310977229211240139
SLSFSt Louis & San Francisco 14421420757388099287519210893330257
GWGreat Western 13061475708116499246008164415270717
SPSouthern Pacific 3729585419392230848666584095320002005
GNGreat Northern 44542161261409274309315853000
KCNKansas City Northern 1179144108749369922010915781068360137
SVSacramento Valley 594571333599491121817906541400
SP&DSt Paul & Duluth 15018322104449727380123696000
SLSoo Line 68667282370059912545668196281120344
CTCentral Texas 186322432611889398323798213569440738
DRGWDenver & Rio Grande Western 1161391798818323663171371000

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT  (Double) ; C2  (Double) ; C3 ; NY1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AN]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC  (Double) ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A  (Double) ; NY3 ; LS ; C4  (Double) ; OH3 ; OH5 ; OH6 ; OH7 ; FW&C ; MI1 ; IN3 ; B&M ; B&H  (Double) ; ME1 ; C1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCN]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; C&A  (Double) ; CNJ  (Double) ; NYNH (Double) ; PA5 ; PA6 ; P&FW (Double) ; P&LE (Double) ; WV2 ; PA1  (Double) ; PA3  (Double) ; M&C ; IN4  (Double) ; IN9 ; C&EI (Double) ; KY12 ; TN13 ; TN14 ; SM  (Double) ; NO&J (Double) ; MS6
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCMG]
  • Reading (READ)
    READ (Double) ; PA2  (Double) ; MD1  (Double) ; PA4  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; OH1 ; OH4  (Double) ; IN1  (Double) ; IN2  (Double) ; IN8  (Double) ; IL4  (Double) ; IL3  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ACM]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&D ; VA7 ; VA2 ; SC5
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; N&S ; RF&P (Double) ; VA3 ; VA4 ; VA5 ; KY1 ; IN5 ; IN7 ; IL1  (Double) ; VA6 ; A&T ; AL4 ; GM&O ; TN4 ; TN1 ; IL5  (Double) ; MS2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOCMG]
  • Wilmington & Weldon (W&W)
    W&W  (Double) ; NC2 ; VA1 ; NC1 ; SC2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H  (Double) ; SC4  (Double) ; GA1  (Double) ; GA8  (Double) ; AL3  (Double) ; TN12 ; KY13 (Double) ; O&M  (Double) ; IL6  (Double) ; TN15 ; C&O  (Double) ; VC  (Double) ; MD2 ; PA7  (Double) ; WV4 ; KY2 ; KY5  (Double) ; IN6  (Double) ; MON  (Double) ; AL1  (Double) ; WV3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOCM]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&A  (Double) ; GA2 ; SC1 ; SC3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER ; GA4  (Double) ; FL4 ; FL5 ; FL6 ; AL5 ; W&M ; AL2 ; TN9 ; FEC ; TN10 (Double) ; TN7 ; KY14 ; FL1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    S&G  (Double) ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL6 ; AL8 ; MS3 ; AL7 ; MS4 ; N&C  (Double) ; TN8 ; TN11 ; TN5 ; MS5 ; A&GW ; WBSH ; IN10 ; IL7  (Double) ; KY11 ; KY10 ; MS1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOMG]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COG  (Double) ; A&C  (Double) ; GA3  (Double) ; GA5  (Double) ; FL3  (Double) ; TN6  (Double) ; FL2  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Mad River & Lake Erie (MRLE)
    MRLE (Double) ; OH2 ; TP&W ; MI2  (Double) ; C&C  (Double) ; OH8  (Double) ; KY3 ; ERIE (Double) ; NY2  (Double) ; PA11 (Double) ; GTW ; PA8  (Double) ; PA10 ; PA9  (Double) ; KY6 ; G&C  (Double) ; BRL  (Double) ; TN2 ; TN3 ; KY4 ; KY7  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOLC]
  • Atlanta & West Point (A&WP)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Michigan Central (MC)
    MC ; C5  (Double) ; MI6 ; MI5 ; MI4
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: LCN]
  • Michigan Northern (MN)
    MN ; MI3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: L]
  • Michigan Southern (MS)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: L]
  • Louisville & Nashville (L&N)
    L&N  (Double) ; KY8 ; KY9 ; IL8
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: OM]
  • Illinois Central (IC)
    IC  (Double) ; IL2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW)
    C&NW ; WI4  (Double) ; SP&P ; ND1 ; ND2 ; MT4 ; MT5 ; ID5 ; WA1 ; WY3
    Unbuilt WY2
    [Regions: CWTP]
  • Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP)
    CRIP ; IA7 ; IA6 ; NE2 ; NE3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: CWT]
  • Chicago North Shore (CNS)
    CNS  (Double) ; M&SP (Double) ; NP ; ND3 ; ND4 ; MT6 ; MT7 ; MT10 ; ID3 ; WA2
    Unbuilt C9
    [Regions: CWTP]
  • Memphis & Little Rock (M&LR)
    M&LR (Double) ; AR4 ; OK1 ; TX12 (Double) ; OK3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: MS]
  • Vicksburg & Texas (V&T)
    V&T  (Double) ; TX2 ; TX3 ; M1 ; AR8 ; AR7
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: MSX]
  • Louisiana & Arkansas (L&A)
    L&A ; LA2 ; TX1 ; TX16 ; TX15 ; TX14 ; NM1 ; CO3 ; C&S ; LA5
    Unbuilt TX7
    [Regions: MGST]
  • Union Pacific (UP)
    UP ; NE1 ; CO7 ; CB&Q (Double) ; IA4  (Double) ; IA5  (Double) ; MO7  (Double) ; WY1 ; CO8 ; WP  (Double) ; CP  (Double) ; NV1 ; UT7 ; UT5 ; UT2 ; CA7 ; CW
    Unbuilt UT9
    [Regions: CWTP]
  • St Louis & Alton (SL&A)
    SL&A ; IL11 ; IL12 ; IA2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: CM]
  • Missouri, Kansas & Texas (MKT)
    MKT  (Double) ; KCS ; OK2 ; MO9 ; IA1 ; LP&W ; KS1 ; IL13 ; IL14 ; IL15
    Unbuilt KS2
    [Regions: CMW]
  • St Louis & San Francisco (SLSF)
    SLSF ; MO5 ; OK6 ; OK4 ; OK5 ; NM5 ; NM6
    Unbuilt NM7
    [Regions: MS]
  • Great Western (GW)
    GW  (Double) ; LA1 ; TR  (Double) ; LA6 ; TX5 ; TX4 ; FW&D ; AR6
    Unbuilt AR5
    [Regions: GS]
  • Southern Pacific (SP)
    SP  (Double) ; CA4  (Double) ; CA3  (Double) ; M4  (Double) ; AZ3  (Double) ; AZ2 ; MP  (Double) ; KC&D (Double) ; ATSF (Double) ; MO6 ; OK8 ; NM4 ; CASL (Double) ; MO1 ; MO8  (Double) ; IA3 ; NM3 ; AZ1 ; M3 ; TX13
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: CMWTPX]
  • Great Northern (GN)
    GN ; MN1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: W]
  • Kansas City Northern (KCN)
    KCN ; KP ; MO3 ; IA10 ; WI3 ; IL10
    Unbuilt WI2
    [Regions: CMW]
  • Sacramento Valley (SV)
    SV ; CA9 ; CA10 ; NV3
    Unbuilt AZ6
    [Regions: P]
  • St Paul & Duluth (SP&D)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: W]
  • Soo Line (SL)
    SL ; WI8 ; WI7
    Unbuilt WI5
    [Regions: WN]
  • Central Texas (CT)
    CT ; H&S ; TX6 ; SA&H ; LA4 ; LA3 ; SLSW (Double) ; AR2 ; AR1 ; AR3 ; LR&S
    Unbuilt M2
    [Regions: MGS]
  • Denver & Rio Grande Western (DRGW)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: T]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RRStart priceTrade priceEnd priceNet change# Shares traded# Shares issued# Shares in treasuryPresidentChairmanDirectors
GT151515+0 1689 7 800 0 32 7
NYC242220-4 5088 40 031 167112 3
PENN151414-1 28773 72 430 066
READ151617+2 1615 6 660 0472
B&O201617-3 4741 5 920 0  
R&D101010+0 2196 8 975 0 72 3
N&W ©262932+6 3138 39 256 0332 12 15
W&W302521-9 1516 3 225 0  
C&H343639+5 1494 19 192 012122 3 7
S&A141414+0 1269 8 415 0 123 7
SCL ©405673+33 2164 19 544 30991 3 7 12 14
S&G282624-4 5321 22 743 52 23 7 12
COG121212+0 1243 10 870 0442 3 7
MRLE171717+0 10378 35 840 0 37
A&WP445+1 82989 218 880 0 123
MC303030+0 930 3 915 0223 7
MN101011+1 733 3 008 12 37
MS17128-9 622 3 060 0 151 3 7
L&N282624-4 1590 5 038 22 73
IC191512-7 1223 4 410 0 31 6 7
C&NW111213+2 11162 31 464 166773
CRIP151414-1 2852 11 408 117 67
CNS191919+0 2574 14 631 1543310 12
M&LR334761+28 1786 6 310 9588
V&T211917-4 6112 48 195 455 152 3
L&A263035+9 1682 8 254 131772 6 15
UP131313+0 7194 32 202 83668
SL&A353331-4 351 2 383 13714143 7
MKT282420-8 4756 11 795 3555
SLSF333028-5 1136 6 792 41814143 6 12
GW262626+0 2590 12 091 189223
SP161514-2 13793 97 510 75112
GN282522-6 527 2 200 25 72 6
KCN707887+17 1370 5 835 6010103 7 8 12
SV252933+8 533 2 692 278 127
SP&D263238+12 133 731 19 71 2 3 10 12
SL584737-21 591 5 287 14310106 7 12
CT445643-1 1640 12 310 45121214
DRGW0014+14 0 522 5855

Private Companies Available for Purchase

No Private Companies are available.

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