Continental Rails II

Game # 34 - Turn # 15

Headline News 1869 to 1870

World & National New

  1. 1869: The Cincinnati Red Stockings organized as first professional baseball team.
  2. 1870: New Bessemer steel process reduces price of steel from $300 to $35 per ton!

Railroad News

  • Private Companies Purchased: Cyrus Holliday bought SL for $21653, Railroad Bill Sr bought T&P for $57121.
  • PCs Merged: KP merges into KCN.
  • PCs Incorporated: SV, SP&D.
  • New Engines Acquired: B&M bought Atlantic 4-4-2, GT bought Atlantic 4-4-2, PENN bought Atlantic 4-4-2, READ bought Mogul 2-6-0, N&W bought Atlantic 4-4-2, W&W bought Mogul 2-6-0, C&H bought Atlantic 4-4-2, SCL bought Mogul 2-6-0, COG bought Atlantic 4-4-2, A&WP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, MS bought Atlantic 4-4-2, L&N bought Atlantic 4-4-2, C&NW bought Atlantic 4-4-2, CRIP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, CB&Q bought Atlantic 4-4-2, CASL bought Atlantic 4-4-2, CNS bought Atlantic 4-4-2, MP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, M&LR bought Atlantic 4-4-2, V&T bought Atlantic 4-4-2, L&A bought Atlantic 4-4-2, WP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, UP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, MKT bought Atlantic 4-4-2, SLSW bought Atlantic 4-4-2, GW bought Atlantic 4-4-2, SP bought Atlantic 4-4-2, GN bought Atlantic 4-4-2, KCN bought Atlantic 4-4-2.
  • New Technologies Acquired: B&M bought automatic couplers, PENN bought automatic couplers, N&W bought automatic couplers, W&W bought automatic couplers, SCL bought automatic couplers, COG bought automatic couplers, A&WP bought automatic couplers, L&N bought automatic couplers, C&NW bought automatic couplers, CB&Q bought automatic couplers, CASL bought automatic couplers, CNS bought automatic couplers, MP bought automatic couplers, M&LR bought Grand Station, M&LR bought automatic couplers, V&T bought automatic couplers, L&A bought automatic couplers, WP bought automatic couplers, UP bought automatic couplers, MKT bought automatic couplers, SLSW bought automatic couplers, GW bought automatic couplers, SP bought automatic couplers, GN bought automatic couplers, KCN bought automatic couplers.
  • RoWs built: MS2 by N&W, KY14 by SCL, FL2 by COG, IL8 by L&N, ND1 by C&NW, IA6 by CRIP, MO7 by CB&Q, MO8 by CASL, ND3 by CNS, OK8 by MP, OK1 by M&LR, TX3 by V&T, TX1 by L&A, UT7 by WP, CO7 by UP, OK2 by MKT, OK6 by SLSF, CA3 by SP.
  • N&W doubled IL5, C&H doubled AL1, COG doubled TN6, MRLE doubled KY7, CB&Q doubled IA4, CNS doubled CNS, MP doubled ATSF, M&LR doubled M&LR, V&T doubled V&T, WP doubled CP, GW doubled GW, SP doubled CA4.
  • New RoWs acquired: SCL got FL1, C&H got WV3, GN got MN1, CASL got IA3, KCN got MO3, MKT got MO9, SLSW got AR2, GW got LA1, C&NW got ND2, CNS got ND4, CRIP got NE2, M&LR got TX12, L&A got TX16, UP got WY1, MP got NM4, WP got UT5, V&T got M1, SP got M4.
  • RR Mergers: CB&Q merges into UP.
  • Injury claims by rail workers due to dangerous, outdated couplings cost GT $6240.
  • Injury claims by rail workers due to dangerous, outdated couplings cost MN $3020.
  • Injury claims by rail workers due to dangerous, outdated couplings cost MS $1020.
  • Injury claims by rail workers due to dangerous, outdated couplings cost CRIP $5423.
  • Loan Recalls: Leland Stanford, John Forbes, Sleeping Dog, Hannibal Kimball, Railroad Bill Sr , Cyrus Holliday.
  • Cornered stocks: B&M, NYC, PENN, N&W, MS, CASL.
  • New railroad Presidents: Milton Littlefield of PENN, John Forbes of READ, Railroad Bill Sr of IC, Jim Fisk of CASL, Dan Drew of SL&A, Dan Drew of SLSF.
  • New Private Companies Available: CT, TR.
  • Milton Littlefield dominated the social pages by conspicuously spending $25252. Other tycoons prominently displayed in the news for lavish spending were: Thomas Scott, William Palmer, John Forbes, Cyrus Holliday, Leland Stanford, Edward Harriman, J. Pierpont Morgan, Sleeping Dog, Jim Fisk
  • Pullman's sleeping car design favored by for long distance travel, improves revenues.
  • Wall Street Report: During last turn, the economic climate remained stable at Depression.
  • Best locomotive available: Atlantic 4-4-2
  • Technologies available are: Grand Station, switch yards, steel rails, coal burning engines, block signal system, automatic couplers, Pullman sleepers.

Tycoon Announcements:

5Leland Stanford figures don't lie but liars can figure.
6Milton Littlefield i lose cash in a bank failure, but i never lose debt.
10Hannibal Kimball i predict i will be bankrupt in the year 1869.

Top Victory Points

The top five Tycoons in each Victory category are (listed first to fifth):
Robber BaronMilton Littlefield (6)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Jim Fisk (1)William Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)
Rail MogulMilton Littlefield (6)Cyrus Holliday (15)Thomas Scott (7)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Jim Fisk (1)
Rail BuilderMilton Littlefield (6)J. Edgar Thompson (3)Edward Harriman (2)William Palmer (12)Sleeping Dog (9)
Rail MagnateJ. Edgar Thompson (3)Milton Littlefield (6)Hannibal Kimball (10)William Palmer (12)Leland Stanford (5)
Rail ProdigalMilton Littlefield (6)Thomas Scott (7)Cyrus Holliday (15)William Palmer (12)Leland Stanford (5)
Rail BaronMilton Littlefield (6)J. Edgar Thompson (3)William Palmer (12)Edward Harriman (2)Cyrus Holliday (15)

Player Summary

President ofPCs owned
Player #Tycoon nameRR 1RR 2PC 1PC 2
3J. Edgar Thompson N&WCNS........
1Jim Fisk MPCASL........
7Thomas Scott L&AC&NW........
2Edward Harriman SPGW........
6Milton Littlefield PENNUP........
12William Palmer C&H............
15Cyrus Holliday CRIPV&TSL....
14Dan Drew SLSFSL&A........
9Sleeping Dog SCLM&LR........
8John Forbes WPREAD........
5Leland Stanford B&OMKT........
4J. Pierpont Morgan COG............
11Rotshild B&M............
13Railroad Bill Sr GNICT&P....
10Hannibal Kimball ................

Railroad Summary

RRNameTracksRevenuesExpenseEfficiencyBondsLoansProfit / shareDividend / shareGrantLand
B&MBoston & Maine 25532616179399975113225720000
GTGrand Trunk 780824944289799219344483452201
NYCNew York Central 163325260214145795468006190402001
PENNPennsylvania 299751815027461898101077647942510010
READReading 333749534197395128760684352000
B&OBaltimore & Ohio 118415901189047954270102197990100
R&DRichmond & Danville 505458022702395146851383570000
N&WNorfolk & Western 262735593218508299760055198958410353
W&WWilmington & Weldon 64561640363679519951868410020307
C&HCharleston & Hamburg 276540573721098499851030186507405
S&ASavannah & Augusta 561669603950795166665302021000
SCLSea Coast Line 2050250260140145955633015794132469117
S&GSavannah & Gulf 15551667841000719150477722702600019
COGCentral of Georgia 10499746950684992733071542190101103
MRLEMad River & Lake Erie 300441264723108695959178265798210430
A&WPAtlanta & West Point 15215613874398476985200000
A&GWAtlantic & Great Western 67790307532819524582416681200213
MCMichigan Central 783885885315391261067387923001
MNMichigan Northern 302273201611995990241409810011
MSMichigan Southern 20418435105089772637105810000
L&NLouisville & Nashville 68676687452449216818799287110387
ICIllinois Central 2943671522763891042814230900010
C&NWChicago & Northwestern 9368891446234992552291426250100
CRIPChicago, Rock Is. & Pacific 49349017289219596936715640125500
CASLChicago, Alton & St. Louis 48949318256459910616672313011278878
CNSChicago North Shore 8869880051375992443241376681144601358
MPMissouri Pacific 102311057157497992008541297010102948
M&LRMemphis & Little Rock 577512352715498109237634821200
V&TVicksburg & Texas 7776885938562981424101097890500
L&ALouisiana & Arkansas 36240744228179866751502693100
WPWestern Pacific 7326452635489991651291066460117602701
UPUnion Pacific 122511684761929982644891544021148401698
SL&ASt Louis & Alton 1842366113960954686522746300510
MKTMissouri, Kansas & Texas 659572063146496141356909641001762
SLSFSt Louis & San Francisco 597479472685095119463808860002434
SLSWSt Louis & Southwestern 1551630189669921474202863111300
GWGreat Western 14020017110099920371190297013800
SPSouthern Pacific 7647891243401991289271086903403693
GNGreat Northern 29520591133848932994321460100
KCNKansas City Northern 40134119194489755817508911000
SVSacramento Valley 15015931109928520942193331000
SP&DSt Paul & Duluth 1501474598798720474189011000

Railroad Lines

Regions:  A = Atlantic ;  D = Deep South ;  O = Ohio ;  L = Great Lakes ;  C = Central ;  M = Mississippi ;  G = Gulf ;  W = Midwest ;  S = Southwest ;  T = Mountain ;  P = Pacific ;  N = Canada ;  X = Mexico 
  • Boston & Maine (B&M)
    B&M ; B&H
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Grand Trunk (GT)
    GT  (Double) ; C2  (Double) ; C3 ; NY1
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AN]
  • New York Central (NYC)
    NYC  (Double) ; HRL  (Double) ; B&A  (Double) ; NY3 ; LS ; C4 ; OH3 ; OH5 ; OH6 ; OH7 ; FW&C ; MI1 ; IN3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCN]
  • Pennsylvania (PENN)
    PENN (Double) ; LV  (Double) ; C&A  (Double) ; CNJ  (Double) ; NYNH (Double) ; PA5 ; PA6 ; P&FW ; P&LE (Double) ; WV2 ; PA1  (Double) ; PA3  (Double) ; M&C ; IN4  (Double) ; IN9 ; C&EI (Double) ; KY12 ; TN13 ; TN14 ; SM  (Double) ; NO&J (Double) ; MS6
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AOLCMG]
  • Reading (READ)
    READ (Double) ; PA2  (Double) ; MD1  (Double) ; PA4  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Baltimore & Ohio (B&O)
    B&O  (Double) ; WV1 ; OH1 ; OH4  (Double) ; IN1  (Double) ; IN2  (Double) ; IN8  (Double) ; IL4  (Double) ; IL3  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ACM]
  • Richmond & Danville (R&D)
    R&D ; VA7 ; VA2 ; SC5
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Norfolk & Western (N&W)
    N&W  (Double) ; N&S ; RF&P (Double) ; VA3 ; VA4 ; VA5 ; KY1 ; IN5 ; IN7 ; IL1  (Double) ; VA6 ; A&T ; AL4 ; GM&O ; TN4 ; TN1 ; IL5  (Double) ; MS2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOCMG]
  • Wilmington & Weldon (W&W)
    W&W  (Double) ; NC2 ; VA1 ; NC1 ; SC2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Charleston & Hamburg (C&H)
    C&H  (Double) ; SC4 ; GA1  (Double) ; GA8  (Double) ; AL3  (Double) ; TN12 ; KY13 ; O&M  (Double) ; IL6  (Double) ; TN15 ; C&O  (Double) ; VC  (Double) ; MD2 ; PA7  (Double) ; WV4 ; KY2 ; KY5  (Double) ; IN6  (Double) ; MON  (Double) ; AL1  (Double)
    Unbuilt WV3
    [Regions: ADOCM]
  • Savannah & Augusta (S&A)
    S&A  (Double) ; GA2 ; SC1 ; SC3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: A]
  • Sea Coast Line (SCL)
    SCL  (Double) ; NER ; GA4  (Double) ; FL4 ; FL5 ; FL6 ; AL5 ; W&M ; AL2 ; TN9 ; FEC ; TN10 (Double) ; TN7 ; KY14
    Unbuilt FL1
    [Regions: ADMG]
  • Savannah & Gulf (S&G)
    S&G  (Double) ; GA6 ; GA7 ; AL6 ; AL8 ; MS3 ; AL7 ; MS4 ; N&C  (Double) ; TN8 ; TN11 ; TN5 ; MS5
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: AMG]
  • Central of Georgia (COG)
    COG  (Double) ; A&C  (Double) ; GA3  (Double) ; GA5  (Double) ; FL3 ; TN6  (Double) ; FL2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Mad River & Lake Erie (MRLE)
    MRLE (Double) ; OH2 ; TP&W ; MI2  (Double) ; C&C  (Double) ; OH8  (Double) ; KY3 ; ERIE (Double) ; NY2  (Double) ; PA11 (Double) ; GTW ; PA8  (Double) ; PA10 ; PA9  (Double) ; KY6 ; G&C  (Double) ; BRL  (Double) ; TN2 ; TN3 ; KY4 ; KY7  (Double)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: ADOLC]
  • Atlanta & West Point (A&WP)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: D]
  • Atlantic & Great Western (A&GW)
    A&GW ; WBSH ; IN10 ; IL7  (Double) ; KY11 ; KY10
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: OM]
  • Michigan Central (MC)
    MC ; C5  (Double) ; MI6 ; MI5 ; MI4
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: LCN]
  • Michigan Northern (MN)
    MN ; MI3
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: L]
  • Michigan Southern (MS)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: L]
  • Louisville & Nashville (L&N)
    L&N  (Double) ; KY8 ; KY9 ; IL8
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: OM]
  • Illinois Central (IC)
    IC  (Double) ; IL2
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: C]
  • Chicago & Northwestern (C&NW)
    C&NW ; WI4  (Double) ; SP&P ; ND1
    Unbuilt ND2
    [Regions: CW]
  • Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific (CRIP)
    CRIP ; IA7 ; IA6
    Unbuilt NE2
    [Regions: CW]
  • Chicago, Alton & St. Louis (CASL)
    CASL ; MO1 ; MO8
    Unbuilt IA3
    [Regions: CW]
  • Chicago North Shore (CNS)
    CNS  (Double) ; M&SP (Double) ; NP ; ND3
    Unbuilt ND4
    [Regions: CW]
  • Missouri Pacific (MP)
    MP  (Double) ; KC&D ; ATSF (Double) ; MO6 ; OK8
    Unbuilt NM4
    [Regions: MW]
  • Memphis & Little Rock (M&LR)
    M&LR (Double) ; AR4 ; OK1
    Unbuilt TX12
    [Regions: MS]
  • Vicksburg & Texas (V&T)
    V&T  (Double) ; TX2 ; TX3
    Unbuilt M1
    [Regions: MS]
  • Louisiana & Arkansas (L&A)
    L&A ; LA2 ; TX1
    Unbuilt TX16
    [Regions: GS]
  • Western Pacific (WP)
    WP ; CP  (Double) ; NV1 ; UT7
    Unbuilt UT5
    [Regions: P]
  • Union Pacific (UP)
    UP ; NE1 ; CO7 ; CB&Q (Double) ; IA4  (Double) ; IA5 ; MO7
    Unbuilt WY1
    [Regions: CW]
  • St Louis & Alton (SL&A)
    SL&A ; IL11
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: M]
  • Missouri, Kansas & Texas (MKT)
    MKT ; KCS ; OK2
    Unbuilt MO9
    [Regions: MW]
  • St Louis & San Francisco (SLSF)
    SLSF ; MO5 ; OK6
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: M]
  • St Louis & Southwestern (SLSW)
    Unbuilt AR2
    [Regions: M]
  • Great Western (GW)
    GW  (Double)
    Unbuilt LA1
    [Regions: G]
  • Southern Pacific (SP)
    SP  (Double) ; CA4  (Double) ; CA3
    Unbuilt M4
    [Regions: P]
  • Great Northern (GN)
    Unbuilt MN1
    [Regions: W]
  • Kansas City Northern (KCN)
    KCN ; KP
    Unbuilt MO3
    [Regions: W]
  • Sacramento Valley (SV)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: P]
  • St Paul & Duluth (SP&D)
    Unbuilt none
    [Regions: W]

Stock Market Report

RR stock data

RRStart priceTrade priceEnd priceNet change# Shares traded# Shares issued# Shares in treasuryPresidentChairmanDirectors
B&M ©536782+29 647 7 178 1221116 7 8
GT516375+24 1061 7 800 0 13 6 8
NYC ©413427-14 1980 31 031 27 12 3
PENN ©684420-48 10202 72 430 0668 13
READ825426-56 340 6 660 0884 6 7
B&O534741-12 1265 11 856 0552 6 7
R&D161412-4 1743 8 975 0 73 8 12
N&W ©395775+36 2916 19 527 101332 7 12 15
W&W697684+15 633 3 183 42 12 3 7 8
C&H605041-19 2139 18 587 012122 3 8
S&A271911-16 1965 8 415 0 153 7 10 12
SCL393328-11 2540 19 162 77991 12 14
S&G403122-18 2337 15 313 17 153 6
COG111622+11 2946 10 770 100443 15
MRLE161922+6 7499 35 840 0 315
A&WP666+0 61198 218 880 0 122 3
A&GW524742-10 954 6 696 74 23 7 15
MC384349+11 1346 3 915 0 79
MN624630-32 295 2 955 65 51 3 7
MS ©231916-7 188 3 003 57 151 3 5 7
L&N334150+17 528 4 945 115 136 9 15
IC866851-35 276 1 470 013131 3 6
C&NW282318-10 2534 23 415 125772 6 13
CRIP433425-18 1591 7 768 6715156 7
CASL ©516783+32 2479 14 243 671145 7 12
CNS564024-32 1047 7 793 973310 12
MP363024-12 12066 71 994 196112 9
M&LR648097+33 715 4 225 140998 13
V&T355474+39 2564 13 234 18615152 9 14
L&A324049+17 436 1 768 42776 15
WP504948-2 2657 11 773 9286
UP444451+7 435 14 942 183662 8
SL&A243240+16 353 878 4214143
MKT314356+25 567 3 178 11755
SLSF262932+6 441 2 807 17814146
SLSW101317+7 312 775 0 14
GW101521+11 294 700 022
SP364351+15 823 3 695 125221
GN101521+11 612 1 475 01313
KCN101521+11 486 1 916 89 8
SV0011+11 0 675 75 7
SP&D0011+11 0 675 75 7

Private Companies Available for Purchase

CTCentral Texas 845
TRTexas Road 420

Map in PDF format